Enterprises with innovation; key figures

Table explanation

This table provides an overview of the number of enterprises in The Netherlands that conduct technological innovation projects (whether or not successful) or have completed these. These enterprises are called technological innovators. For the innovators with completed innovations a distinction is made between product innovations process innovations. Furthermore the table includes data on the number of enterprises that have cooperated with one or more partners in developing technological innovations.

The scope of this table is limited to technological innovations. Non-technological innovations are left out. However, the definition of a technological innovation is subject to change and is not the same for all reference periods. Up to and including the reference period 2014-2016, organisational innovations and marketing innovations were inquired separately and were subsequently classified as non-technological. As of the reference period 2016-2018, these innovations are a part of the process innovations and are therefore classified as technological.

The data are the results of the two-yearly community innovation survey. Each survey reports on three years, for example 2016 up to and including 2018 (this is the reference period). Here the last year in a survey is the same as the first year in the subsequent survey. That means the periods partially overlap.

Data available from: 1994-1996

Status of the figures:
All figures up to and including 2018-2020 are definitive.

Changes as of 4 July 2022:
Definitive figures about 2018-2020 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
Mid 2024 the figures about 2020-2020 will be published.

Description topics

Innovators with realised innovations
Enterprises that realised and succesfully implemented technological innovation in the period under review. Technological innovation consists of product and/or process innovation. Product innovators are enterprises that implemented new or significantly improved goods or services. Process innovators are enterprises that implemented new or significantly improved production processes, distribution methods, or support activities for goods or services.
Total technological innovators
Total number of enterprises with product and/or process innovation.
Product innovators
Enterprises that conducted innovation projects that resulted in the implementation of new or significantly improved goods or services (product innovations).
Process innovators
Enterprises that conducted innovation projects which resulted in the implementation of new or significantly improved production processes, distribution methods, or support activities for goods or services (process innovations).
Innovation Co-operation
Enterprises engaged in innovation co-operation, which is active participation with other enterprises or organisations on technological innovation activities. Both partners do not need to commercially benefit. Pure contracting out of work with no active co-operation is excluded.