Enterprises with innovation; key figures

Enterprises with innovation; key figures

Periods Innovators Total technological innovators (number) Innovators As % of the population (%) Innovators with realised innovations Total technological innovators (number) Innovators with realised innovations Product innovators (% of enterprises realised innovations) Innovators with realised innovations Process innovators (% of enterprises realised innovations) Innovation Co-operation (number)
1994 - 1996 17,193 37 15,436 . . 4,179
1996 - 1998 19,381 40 16,687 84 59 4,865
1998 - 2000 18,346 34 17,081 88 58 4,452
2000 - 2002 11,755 20 10,294 83 58 3,848
2002 - 2004 14,450 25 13,770 70 71 5,406
2004 - 2006 15,464 25 14,688 69 68 5,585
2006 - 2008 14,152 25 13,301 73 67 5,393
2008 - 2010 20,248 38 19,547 72 72 6,000
2010 - 2012 16,823 31 15,700 73 63 5,133
2012 - 2014 19,043 37 17,252 68 67 7,155
2014 - 2016 19,916 38 18,688 69 64 5,802
2016 - 2018 20,286 37 19,052 50 88 6,523
2018 - 2020 22,751 40 21,829 49 92 8,576
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides an overview of the number of enterprises in The Netherlands that conduct technological innovation projects (whether or not successful) or have completed these. These enterprises are called technological innovators. For the innovators with completed innovations a distinction is made between product innovations process innovations. Furthermore the table includes data on the number of enterprises that have cooperated with one or more partners in developing technological innovations.

The scope of this table is limited to technological innovations. Non-technological innovations are left out. However, the definition of a technological innovation is subject to change and is not the same for all reference periods. Up to and including the reference period 2014-2016, organisational innovations and marketing innovations were inquired separately and were subsequently classified as non-technological. As of the reference period 2016-2018, these innovations are a part of the process innovations and are therefore classified as technological.

The data are the results of the two-yearly community innovation survey. Each survey reports on three years, for example 2016 up to and including 2018 (this is the reference period). Here the last year in a survey is the same as the first year in the subsequent survey. That means the periods partially overlap.

Data available from: 1994-1996

Status of the figures:
All figures up to and including 2018-2020 are definitive.

Changes as of 4 July 2022:
Definitive figures about 2018-2020 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
Mid 2024 the figures about 2020-2020 will be published.

Description topics

Enterprises that conducted technological innovation projects in the period under review, either successfully or not. Technological innovation consists of product and/or process innovation.
Total technological innovators
Total number of enterprises with product and/or process innovation.
As % of the population
Enterprises with technological innovation activities as a percentage of all enterprises in the population.

The Dutch Standaard Bedrijfsindeling (SBI 2008) is based on the activity classification of the European Union (Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté Européenne, NACE) and on the classification of the United Nations (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, ISIC).

As of period 2010-2012 the target population consists of enterprises in the following sectors, based on the The Dutch Standaard Bedrijfsindeling (SBI 2008): Agriculture, forestry and fishing (A), Mining and quarrying (B), Manufacturing (C), Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (D), Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (E), Construction (F), Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G), Transportation and storage (H), Accommodation and food service activities (I), Information and communication (J), Financial institutions (K), Renting, buying and selling of real estate (L), Consultancy, research and other specialised business services (M), Renting and leasing of tangible goods and other business support services (N). For each sector the ISIC code is shown between brackets.

For 2006-2008 and 2008-2010 the target population consists of the aforementioned sectors based on SBI 2008 with the only difference being that 72 Research and development is excluded from Consultancy, research and other specialised business services (M).

For 2004-2006 and the periods before, the target population is based on the economic activities are classified according to the Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (SIC 1993) of Statistics Netherlands. The following sectors were included in the target population: Agriculture, hunting and forestry (A), Fishing (B), Mining and quarrying (C), Manufacturing (D), Electricity, gas and water supply (E), Construction (F), Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods (G), Hotels and restaurants (H), Transport, storage and communication (I), Financial intermediation (J), Real estate, renting and business activities, excluding research and development (K), Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (L), Education, excluding the branches (80.1) primary education, (80.2) secondary education and (80.3) higher education (M), Health and social work (N) and the branches of industry Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities (90) and other service activities (93). For each sector of industry the SIC 1993 code is shown between brackets.

As of 2002 the target population consists of enterprises in the Netherlands with 10 or more persons employed. Up to 2002 the target population consisted of enterprises in the Netherlands with 10 or more employees. In the surveys covering 1996-1998 and 1998-2000 also enterprises with 1 to 9 employees were included. The main difference between employees and persons employed is that the latter also includes owners and family members who do work for a business but are not on its payroll.
Innovators with realised innovations
Enterprises that realised and succesfully implemented technological innovation in the period under review. Technological innovation consists of product and/or process innovation. Product innovators are enterprises that implemented new or significantly improved goods or services. Process innovators are enterprises that implemented new or significantly improved production processes, distribution methods, or support activities for goods or services.
Total technological innovators
Total number of enterprises with product and/or process innovation.
Product innovators
Enterprises that conducted innovation projects that resulted in the implementation of new or significantly improved goods or services (product innovations).
Process innovators
Enterprises that conducted innovation projects which resulted in the implementation of new or significantly improved production processes, distribution methods, or support activities for goods or services (process innovations).
Innovation Co-operation
Enterprises engaged in innovation co-operation, which is active participation with other enterprises or organisations on technological innovation activities. Both partners do not need to commercially benefit. Pure contracting out of work with no active co-operation is excluded.