Consumer confidence; 1972-2016

Table explanation

This table provides data on consumers' attitudes and expectations towards the economic climate and their own financial situation. This data is the input for the indicators on Consumer confidence, Economic climate and Willingness to purchase. Data on consumers' attitude and expectations on Unemployment and Prices are also included. The Dutch 'Consumer survey' is partially financed by the European Commission.

Data available from: May 1972

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

Changes as of September 21th 2017:
Non, this table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
New figures are published in two new tables, see paragraph 3. This table will not be updated anymore.

Description topics

Consumers' attitudes and expectations
Consumers' attitudes and expectations towards various aspects of the
economic situation in the Netherlands and the personal financial
Where to economise when income falls
Suppose your net household income were to fall substantially, say by 10 %,
on what would you economise most?
New categories
The categories of this question were outdated and are modernised and
adapted to better fit the international COICOP classification. The
categories 'Food etc.', 'Clothing etc.' and 'Do not know' are comparable
in time. From June 2011 on the data will not be comparable to earlier
data. This also means that there will be no data for the second quarter
of 2011.
Recreation and culture
Among other things: Dine out, go out, club membership, subscriptions
newspaper, magazines, television, books, (download) movies and music.