Deaths; cause of death (extensive list), age and sex

Deaths; cause of death (extensive list), age and sex

Sex Age Causes of death Periods Deaths (number)
Total male and female 95 years or older A04 Oth. bacterial intestinal infections 2023* 1
Total male and female 95 years or older A05 Oth. bacterial foodborne intoxic. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older A28 Other zoonotic bacterial dis., nec 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older A31 Infection due to other mycobacteria 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older A42 Actinomycosis 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older A48 Other bacterial diseases, nec 2023* 1
Total male and female 95 years or older A49 Bacterial infection of unsp. site 2023* 2
Total male and female 95 years or older B08 Oth. viral infect. characterised .. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older B09 Unsp. viral infect. characterised.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older B96 Oth.bacterial agents as the cause .. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older B97 Viral agents as the cause of dis.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older B98 Oth. infectious agents as cause of . 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older C40 M.n. bone and articular cartilage .. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older C41 M.n. bone and art. cartilage of oth. 2023* 2
Total male and female 95 years or older D16 B.n. of bone and articular cartilage 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older D66 Hereditary factor VIII deficiency 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older D67 Hereditary factor IX deficiency 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older I60 Subarachnoid haemorrhage 2023* 4
Total male and female 95 years or older I61 Intracerebral haemorrhage 2023* 41
Total male and female 95 years or older I64 Stroke, not spec. as haemorrhage.. 2023* 360
Total male and female 95 years or older I85 Oesophageal varices 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older J00 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 2023* 1
Total male and female 95 years or older K21 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older M88 Paget's disease of bone 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older M94 Other disorders of cartilage 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older O20 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older O46 Antepartum haemorrhage, n.e.c. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older O72 Postpartum haemorrhage 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older P26 Pulmonary haemorrhage originating.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older P51 Umbilical haemorrhage of newborn 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older P54 Other neonatal haemorrhages 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older Q60 Renal agenesis, oth. reduct. defec.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older R04 Haemorrhage from respiratory passage 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older R58 Haemorrhage, n.e.c. 2023* 1
Total male and female 95 years or older R68 Other general symptoms and signs 2023* 15
Total male and female 95 years or older W12 Fall on and from scaffolding 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older W93 Exposure excessive cold man-made.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older X15 Contact w. hot household appliances 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older X31 Exposure to excessive natural cold 2023* 1
Total male and female 95 years or older Y43 Primarily systemic agents 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older Y44 Agents primarily affecting blood .. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older Y52 Agents primarily aff. cardiovasc.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older Y53 Agents primarily aff. gastro/intes.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older Y54 Agents primarily aff. water-balance. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older Y55 Agents primarily acting on smooth .. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older Y56 Topical agents primarily affecting.. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older Y63 Failure in dosage during surgical .. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older Y74 General hospital and personal-use .. 2023* 0
Total male and female 95 years or older Y81 General-, plastic-surgery devices .. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older A04 Oth. bacterial intestinal infections 2023* 1
Male 95 years or older A05 Oth. bacterial foodborne intoxic. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older A28 Other zoonotic bacterial dis., nec 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older A31 Infection due to other mycobacteria 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older A42 Actinomycosis 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older A48 Other bacterial diseases, nec 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older A49 Bacterial infection of unsp. site 2023* 2
Male 95 years or older B08 Oth. viral infect. characterised .. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older B09 Unsp. viral infect. characterised.. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older B96 Oth.bacterial agents as the cause .. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older B97 Viral agents as the cause of dis.. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older B98 Oth. infectious agents as cause of . 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older C40 M.n. bone and articular cartilage .. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older C41 M.n. bone and art. cartilage of oth. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older D16 B.n. of bone and articular cartilage 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older D66 Hereditary factor VIII deficiency 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older D67 Hereditary factor IX deficiency 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older I60 Subarachnoid haemorrhage 2023* 1
Male 95 years or older I61 Intracerebral haemorrhage 2023* 8
Male 95 years or older I64 Stroke, not spec. as haemorrhage.. 2023* 49
Male 95 years or older I85 Oesophageal varices 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older J00 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older K21 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older M88 Paget's disease of bone 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older M94 Other disorders of cartilage 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older O20 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy 2023*
Male 95 years or older O46 Antepartum haemorrhage, n.e.c. 2023*
Male 95 years or older O72 Postpartum haemorrhage 2023*
Male 95 years or older P26 Pulmonary haemorrhage originating.. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older P51 Umbilical haemorrhage of newborn 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older P54 Other neonatal haemorrhages 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Q60 Renal agenesis, oth. reduct. defec.. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older R04 Haemorrhage from respiratory passage 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older R58 Haemorrhage, n.e.c. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older R68 Other general symptoms and signs 2023* 4
Male 95 years or older W12 Fall on and from scaffolding 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older W93 Exposure excessive cold man-made.. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older X15 Contact w. hot household appliances 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older X31 Exposure to excessive natural cold 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Y43 Primarily systemic agents 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Y44 Agents primarily affecting blood .. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Y52 Agents primarily aff. cardiovasc.. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Y53 Agents primarily aff. gastro/intes.. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Y54 Agents primarily aff. water-balance. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Y55 Agents primarily acting on smooth .. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Y56 Topical agents primarily affecting.. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Y63 Failure in dosage during surgical .. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Y74 General hospital and personal-use .. 2023* 0
Male 95 years or older Y81 General-, plastic-surgery devices .. 2023* 0
Female 95 years or older A04 Oth. bacterial intestinal infections 2023* 0
Female 95 years or older A05 Oth. bacterial foodborne intoxic. 2023* 0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains the number of deaths in the population of the Netherlands by underlying cause of death. The causes of death are shown according to the extensive list of 'three digit codes', by age and sex.

Since 2013 Statistics Netherlands is using Iris software for automatic coding for cause of death. This improved the international comparison of the data. The change in coding did cause a considerable shift in the statistic. Since 2013 the (yearly) ICD-10 updates are applied.

Data available from: 1996

Status of the figures:
The figures for 2023 are provisional, all other figures are final.

Changes as of July 18th 2024:
The provisional figures for 2023 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
The aim is to publish final figures for 2023 in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Description topics
