Linking Microdata and analysis of enterprises in EU ETS

For the companies participating in the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), CO2 emissions and the trading of carbon permits, are monitored by the Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa, Nederlandse Emissieautoriteit). For two more years, the ETS companies are linked to the CBS data infrastructure, for four years in total now. Moreover, for analysis purposes on the EU ETS system, a few research questions were raised and tested on the linked data. This report describes the results of this project that combines data linkage and analysis of the ETS - businesses executed by Statistics Netherland (CBS) in 2018.
This report describes the outcomes of the project aiming to extend the (micro-)data linkage of ETS companies to the data infrastructure at Statistics Netherlands and to test that with a first prudent analysis of the EU ETS by applying a few research questions. The ETS companies are obliged to participate in the European system of carbon (CO2-)emission trading, the EU ETS. The Dutch Emissions Authority (NEA) monitors these companies in the Netherlands.
This is a follow-up study with extension of the previous study with two additional reporting years, so that a time series of four reporting years (2013 – 2016) of linked data results. In the first project component, the data link with a working data infrastructure between NEa and CBS data has been expanded. In the second part of the project, three research questions are handled and released on the developed data infrastructure of the ETS companies. The project is also trying to prepare for future opportunities for analysis and research.