Base shift for index series

The present index series are generally based on 2005 = 100. To keep these index series up to date, a base shift is introduced every five years. In 2013 the base year 2005 will be replaced by base year 2010 (2010 = 100).

Weights updated

In the calculation of index figures, weighting factors are used to reflect the share of underlying results in a publication group. At the same time as the base shift, these weights are updated so that they represent the present situation as accurately as possible. The year these weights refer to depends on the available data. In most cases it will be 2010 or later. All index series are subsequently rescaled to reference year 2010 (2010 = 100).

New tables

The index series based on 2010 = 100 will be published in new StatLine tables. Once these new tables are published, the present StatLine tables based on 2005 = 100 will no longer be updated, but will remain available. Most series based on 2010 = 100 will start with figures for 2005.


The index series based on 2010 = 100 will become available at the time of publication of the first reporting period of 2013. For monthly statistics this means that index figures for January 2013 will be published in February or March 2013. The index figures for quarterly statistics will be published in May or June 2013.


Themes Statistics Date
Construction and housing Construction industry; turnover development by company size, SIC 2008 17-5-2013
Construction and housing Construction industry; turnover, SIC 2008 18-3-2013
Construction and housing not yet available 1-7-2013
Financial and business services not yet available 15-3-2013
Financial and business services not yet available 31-5-2013
Financial and business services not yet available 18-6-2013
Financial and business services not yet available 18-6-2013
Trade, hotels and restaurants not yet available 28-5-2013
Trade, hotels and restaurants Imports of new cars and light motor vehicles; turnover, SIC 2008 14-3-2013
Trade, hotels and restaurants Motor vehicles and motorcycles trade; turnover, SIC 2008 31-5-2013
Trade, hotels and restaurants Retail trade; turnover development, SIC 2008 14-3-2012
Trade, hotels and restaurants Wholesale trade; turnover change, SIC 2008 31-5-2013
Trade, hotels and restaurants Wholesale trade sector; development of stocks, index 2005 = 100 31-5-2013
Nature and environment Mining and quarrying; turnover, SIC 2008 18-3-2013
Nature and environment Energy and water supply; turnover, SIC 2008 18-3-2013
Nature and environment Industry (excl. construction); production, sales, orders, SIC 2008  15-3-2013
Nature and environment Wholesale trade; development of stocks, index 2005 = 100  22-3-2013
Prices Producer Prices; SBI 2008, sales, index 2005 = 100  28-2-2013
Prices Producer Prices; ProdCom, sales and consumption, 2005 = 100  28-2-2013
Prices House Price Index by type of dwelling, region; existing own homes;2005=100 21-2-2013
Prices House Price Index by COROP and municipality; existing own homes; 2005=100   21-2-2013
Prices New dwellings; input price indices building costs 2005=100   28-2-2013
Prices New dwellings; output price indices building costs 2005 = 100 30-6-2013
Traffic and transport Motor vehicles and motorcycles trade; turnover, SIC 2008 31-5-2013