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Manufacturing output down by over 2 percent in February

In February 2024, the calendar-adjusted output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.3 percent lower than it was in February 2023.


Bankruptcies; natural persons, age

Pronounced bankruptcies natural persons Type of bankruptcy, age


Manufacturing output over 3 percent down in December

In December 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was .3.3 percent lower than in December 2022.


Education; education expenditure and CBS/OECD indicators

Education expenditure and (inter)national indicators. Government, households, companies, foreign, per education sector, % GDP.


Bankruptcies; enterprises, regions

Pronounced bankruptcies; enterprises, region Type of bankruptcy, region


Retail trade; turnover changes, index 2015=100

Retail trade. Turnover: index 2015 = 100, change By activity (SIC 2008).


Household consumption slightly up in January

Households spent 0.3 percent more in January 2024 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


Household consumption almost 2 percent down in September

Households spent 1.9 percent less in September 2023 year on year, adjusted for price changes. They bought fewer services and fewer goods.


Deaths registered weekly, by sex and age

Mortality by gender, age, per week gender, age, per week


Asylum requests and family reunification; nationality, sex and age

Asylum requests and family reunification nationality, sex and age


Employment; quarterly, sex, National Accounts

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, sex, original and seasonal adjusted


Bankruptcies; key figures

Pronounced bankruptcies Type of bankruptcy, sector/branches (SIC 2008)


71 million air passengers in 2023, but not a record high

In 2023, 71.3 million air passengers travelled to and from the five main airports of the Netherlands.


From 9 to 15 percent renewable energy over four years

Between 2019 and 2022, the share of renewable energy in the Netherlands rose from 9 to 15 percent.


Economic picture deteriorates again

The economic climate in March 2024 is more negative than it was in February.


Retail turnover over 3 percent up in September

The Dutch retail sector recorded 3.1 percent year-on-year turnover growth. The volume of sales decreased by 3.3 percent.


A smart Travel Survey. Results of a push-to-smart field experiment in the Netherlands

An evaluation of push-to-smart methodology in travel surveys


Retail turnover up by 3 percent in February

The Dutch retail sector recorded 3.0 percent year-on-year turnover growth in February 2024. Sales volume was up by 2.7 percent.


Retail turnover up by almost 5 percent in March

The Dutch retail sector recorded growth in turnover of 4.8 percent in March 2024, year on year. Sales volume was up by 4.4 percent.


Bankruptcies; enterprises, SIC 2008

Pronounced bankruptcies Type of bankruptcy, sector/branches (SIC 2008)


Financial instruments: From-whom-to-whom matrices; National Accounts

Financial transactions between institutional sectors Sectors, balance sheets and transactions


Historically low number of bankruptcies in April

The number of pronounced bankruptcies reached its lowest level since the start of the statistic in 1981.


Bankruptcies; natural persons, regions

Pronounced bankruptcies natural persons Type of bankruptcy, region


Inflation down to 2.7 percent in April

The inflation rate stood at 2.7 percent in April.


Economic picture deteriorates again

The economic climate in February 2024 is more negative than it was in January.
