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517 results for single
517 results for single

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Marginal increase single parents on income support

After years of decline, the number of single parents dependent on income support has risen since 2008. The increase predominantly occurred among single parents with a non-western background.


Nearly half a million single parents in the Netherlands

As more married and unmarried couples with children decide to split up, the number of single parents in the Netherlands continues to grow.


Single parent family with at least one under aged child

Private household consisting of one parent and at least one child who is under age and lives at home, without any additional members.


Fewer single-parents claiming income support

Paid employment accounted for the main income of 68.5 percent of one-parent families in 2007. This is a higher share than in 2005, when nearly 63 percent of one-parent families received most of their...


Single birth

A birth where one child is born.



Someone who provides for his or her own housing and essentials in a private, non-commercial manner.


Traditional role patterns in spending by single men and women

Single men spend their money on other things than single women. Men spend more on cars, eating out and gadgets, while women spend more on clothes, personal care and fruit and vegetables.


Wider income gap between single mothers and mothers with partners

The disposable income of single mothers is considerably lower than that of cohabiting or married mothers. The average disposable income of single mothers was 15 thousand euro in 2008, as against...


Singles most often rely on special income support

Last year, 250 thousand people relied on special income support, i.e. approximately 2 percent of the adult population in the Netherlands. Four in ten households receiving special income support are...


Single farmers have smaller farms

Farmers whose partner also works on the farm have larger farms than single farmers or farmers who run their farm without the help of their partner.


Single people, one-parent families and pensioners account for most rent allowances

Over 1.1 million households in the Netherlands received a rent allowance in 2008. This cost the government nearly 2 million euro.


One in seven underage children live in a single-parent family

The population of the Netherlands includes 3.5 million underage children. One in seven of these children live with just one parent. This proportion varies strongly between municipalities.


One in six single female old age pensioners have low supplementary incomes

In 2012, nearly 2 million households received old age pensions. In 173 thousand cases, the supplementary incomes of over-65 households did not exceed 250 euros a month. Among these households were...


Nearly four out of ten babies in the Caribbean Netherlands born to a single mother

Nearly four out of ten children born in 2012 in the Caribbean Netherlands > were born to into a single parent household, usually a single mother. The same is true for live-born children in the...


Nearly one in ten live-born babies born to single mothers

Nearly one in every ten live-born babies were born to single mothers last year. Nine in ten were born to couples living together.


One quarter of people living alone are not single

One in five 18 to 64 year-old men in the Netherlands lived alone in 2010. For women this was just over one in six.
