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289 results for personnel
289 results for personnel

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More job vacancies in private sector

The number of job vacancies increased marginally. At the end of December, 130 thousand jobs were vacant, i.e. 4 thousand more than at the end of September. The private sector accounted for the...


Number of job vacancies still high

The number of vacancies in the second quarter of 2008 remained high. Adjusted for seasonal variation, 240 thousand vacancies were unfilled at the end of June 2008, only 2 thousand down on the...


Slightly more job vacancies

At the end of June 2011, there were 137 thousand job vacancies, i.e. 2 thousand more than at the end of March. The private sector accounted entirely for the increase.


Number of job vacancies down again

There were 97 thousand job vacancies at the end of March 2013. The number of job vacancies has declined gradually over the past two years, mostly due to a reduced demand for staff in the private...


Slightly more job vacancies

There were 94 thousand unfilled vacancies by the end of September 2013, up 3 thousand on the previous quarter.


Further decline in job vacancies

The vacancy indicator provides a quick indication of the trend in job vacancies in the private sector. The indicator improved in August.


Slightly more job vacancies

At the end of June 2011, there were 137 thousand job vacancies, i.e. 2 thousand more than at the end of March. The private sector accounted entirely for the increase. The number of job vacancies grew...


Further decline in job vacancies

There were 91 thousand job vacancies at the end of June 2013, the lowest level in nearly ten years. The number of job vacancies decreased by 6 thousand relative to the end of March.


Turnover security branch down

Turnover generated by the security and investigation branch in the third quarter of 2013 was down from the same period last year. Turnover declined for the second consecutive quarter.


Slightly more job vacancies

At the end of June 2011, there were 137 thousand job vacancies, i.e. 2 thousand more than at the end of March. The private sector accounted entirely for the increase. The number of job vacancies grew...


Number of job vacancies further down

There were 101 thousand job vacancies at the end of December 2012, i.e. 7 thousand fewer than at the end of September. The number of vacant jobs declined due to a reduced demand for staff...


More job vacancies

The number of job vacancies has increased further. At the end of March, there were 135 thousand job vacancies, i.e. 7 thousand more than at the end of December. The private sector accounted entirely...


Number of job vacancies down again

There were 97 thousand job vacancies at the end of March 2013. The number of job vacancies has declined gradually over the past two years, mostly due to a reduced demand for staff in the private...
