Slightly more job vacancies

  • 3 thousand more unfilled job vacancies
  • Increase mainly in commercial services

According to the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands there were 94 thousand unfilled vacancies by the end of September 2013, up  3 thousand on the previous quarter. The figures are seasonally adjusted. This constitutes the first increase in the number of vacancies in two years.

The rise in the number of vacancies is entirely found in private companies. The number of vacancies in government stabilised. The largest increase was realised by commercial services. The number of vacancies, in round figures, rose by 3 thousand to 59 thousand. There was again a slight decrease in the care sector, which had 11 thousand vacancies at the end of September. 

The development of the number of unfilled vacancies is affected by the number of new and filled vacancies. In the third quarter of 2013, 159 thousand new vacancies were registered, 5 thousand fewer than one year previously. The number of filled vacancies was also below the level of one year previously and stood at 162 thousand.