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772 results for network analysis
772 results for network analysis

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International trade and transit trade; product group 2007-2017

International trade, transport, transit trade Continents, NSTR chapters, flow types, value and weight


Environm. goods and services sector; activities, ec. indicators, 2001-2012

Environmental activities and economic indicators per environmental domain such as protection of water, air and management of natural resources.


Investments fixed assets companies, SIC'93 2000-2008

Investments in fixed assets Branches (SIC'93) trade and industry



Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of society? Well-being includes people having opportunities to participate in society and living in...


SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Clean water and sanitation. Access to safe drinking water and sanitary facilities and sustainable water management are at the centre of SDG 6....


Environmental and ec. key figures; national accounts, 2001-2013

Environmental burden by subject; costs and revenues from environmental taxes and fees; emissions to water and air


Emissions to air, origin and destination; national accounts 1990-2013

Environmental Accounts, origin and destination emissions to air origin and destination emissions to air


The State; tax revenues, ESA 1999-2011

Taxes on income and property, production and imports and death duty in terms of the ESA 1995 categories.


Environmental goods and services sector; activities, 1995-2010

Environmental activities and economic indicators per environmental domain such as protection of water, air and management of natural resources.


Labour Accounts; compensation of employees, economic activity; 1969-2012

Compensation of employees, wages, labour volumes of employees economic activities, full-time and part-time jobs


Output and income components of GDP; activities, NA, 1969-2016

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)


Enterprises; sizeclass and legal form, 2006-2010

Number of enterprises by size (14 classes) and legal form (9 classes) Economic activities in 103 sections/divisions (SIC 2008)


Growth accounts; national accounts 1995-2016

Productivity; labour; capital; growth accounts SIC 2008


Patent applicants and patent applications; SIC 2008 of applicant, 2009-2010

Patent applicants, patent applications, EPO, NLOC Economic activity (SIC 2008)


Macroeconomic scoreboard 2006 - 2013

Macroeconomic imbalances; macroeconomic risks; macroeconomic scoreboard; European Union; Quarter.


The State; government sector, ESA accounts 1996-2010

ESA transactions government sector; revenue and expenditure on current and capital account, net lending/net borrowing on financial account


Capital stock; national accounts 1995-2016

Capital stock; volume changes SIC 2008; institutional sectors and asset types


International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, 2003-2013

Imports; exports; services broken down into various types of services Countries


Trade and industry; employment and finance per sector, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover, other financial results Branches (SIC'93) trade and industry


Supply and use; products of activity, NA, 1995-2016

Supply and use by products of activity Groups of products of activity (CPA)


Producer Prices (2000=100) by ProdCom

Price index information according to the (European) ProdCom nomenclature for commodities sold, imported, exported in the Netherlands
