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Asylum, migration and integration
People with a foreign background
Labour migrants with a partner in work are more likely to stay
More than 6 in 10 labour migrants from the EU/EFTA and nearly 7 in 10 knowledge migrants from outside the EU/EFTA left the Netherlands within five years of arriving here
Most family migrants stay in the Netherlands
Migrants coming to the Netherlands to join other family members made up nearly one-third of all non-EU/EFTA immigrants arriving in the Netherlands between 1999 and 2023
Fewer immigrant arrivals in 2023, particularly refugees from Ukraine
A total of 336 thousand immigrants arrived in the Netherlands in 2023, 68 thousand fewer than in 2022.
Again more Ukrainian refugees in paid employment
The share of employees among refugees with Ukrainian nationality residing in the Netherlands has increased further this year.
Non-EU labour migrants are often male knowledge migrants
At the end of 2021, 87 thousand labour migrants from countries outside the European Union or European Free Trade Association (Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and Sweden) were residing in the...
Relatively few international knowledge workers in the Netherlands
From 2016 up to and including 2018, the Netherlands had 383 thousand international knowledge workers on average.
Knowledge migration in the Netherlands and Europe
Tables and report on international knowledge workers in the Netherlands and 13 other European countries, 2003/2005 en 2016/2018