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16 results for drowning
16 results for drowning

98 cases of drowning in 2023

A total of 98 people resident in the Netherlands drowned in open water or in their home or garden in 2023.


73 inhabitants drowned in 2022

In 2022, altogether 73 inhabitants of the Netherlands died due to drowning in open water or in and around the house. This is 7 fewer people than in the previous year.


Fewer fatal drownings in 2021

In 2021, altogether 80 Dutch residents died due to drowning in open water, or in or around the house.


Deaths; suicide (residents), various themes

Victims of suicide by marital status, method, motives, age and sex among the Dutch population, absolute figures and per 100 000 persons


Deaths; underlying cause of death (shortlist), sex, age

Deaths among the Dutch population by main primary causes of death, age (at time of death) and sex


Health, lifestyle, health care use and supply, causes of death; from 1900

Health status, lifestyle, use of health care services, care supply, (healthy) life expectancy and causes of death


Recently immigrated children more often drown

The drowning rate is higher among children from non-western countries who recently immigrated to the Netherlands than among native Dutch children.


Deaths; accidents, residents, 1996-2017

Dutch residents died in the given year due to an accident mainly traffic accidents, accidental falls, drowning or poisoning


Private accident most common cause of non-natural death

Last year, 5.4 thousand persons in the Netherlands died a non-natural death. Non-natural death includes fatal accidents, suicide, murder and manslaughter. Most victims died in accidents.



Week 8 (19-23 February 2007)



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 26-30 May 2008 (Week 22).


Suicide death rate up to 1,647

Last year, 1,647 Dutch residents committed suicide, an increase by 47 relative to 2010.


Fire services; assistance, object and activities 1985-2013

Assistances by the fire brigade by object and activities, divided by regions, provinces and size of cities
