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126 results for clients

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Cybersecurity is key in Bibi van den Berg’s inaugural lecture

Corporate news article Cybersecurity is key in Bibi van den Berg’s inaugural lecture


DNB and CBS harmonise macro-economic statistics

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the Dutch central bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, DNB) started publishing univocal figures on the Netherlands’ relations with the rest of the world


Jobs in health care demanding, but also rewarding

People working in the health care and welfare sector think their jobs are physically and emotionally demanding. They are nevertheless more than averagely pleased with their jobs.


Private fixed capital formation in tangible assets; changes 2005 - 2014

Private fixed capital formation in tangible assets Year-on-year changes


A plea for consistent income inequality figures

There is a lot of social debate about income inequality. Has income inequality increased over the longer term or not?


How much will my home be worth later on?

What are the dynamics behind house price fluctuations and how high is the risk of severe depreciation for homeowners


Government Finance Statistics; key figures 1995-2017

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


Are SMEs ready for big data?

Recent explorative research conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shows that only a fraction of Dutch small


Business services monitor: first quarter 2012

Turnover in business services was again lower in the first quarter of 2012 than in the corresponding quarter of 2011. The decline was smaller than in the previous quarter, though. On balance the...


More elderly care provided in a more efficient manner

Between 2001 and 2007, labour productivity in the sector elderly care increased by an average of 1.4 percent annually. The labour productivity growth was entirely realised after 2004 when the...


CBDS and LCDS: deeper cooperation in data science

From collecting, refitting and interpreting data to analysing and visualising


Government Finance Statistics; key figures 1987 - 2013

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


Research on social networks in the city

research work on social networks in the city, family networks, influence of urban environments on life cycles


To make the right choice, you need independent data

Simply understanding the economy is no longer enough to gain insights into society. Social and cultural insights and information about citizens


Dutch labour market dynamics

The share of workers with a flexible employment contract has risen from 12 percent (2001) to 16 percent (2012) of the Dutch employed labour force.


DG Statistics Netherlands advises Prince Charles

Altogether 17 different main goals have been set by the UN for sustainable development


Quarterly National Accounts; changes 1988 - q1 2014

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes


CBS and MU: sharing health data in a responsible way

Combining large data files may not only help Statistics Netherlands it could also contribute to scientific advances


DG Statistics Netherlands advises Prince Charles

DG Mr. Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi participated in the advisory group at the ‘Measure what Matters: a Framework for Action’ forum last 12 July with HRH Prince of Wales.


Dutch Foreign Trade and Development Minister visits CBS

The IM is a quarterly publication by CBS which zooms in on recent developments in globalisation


CBS and VU Amsterdam: progress through cooperation

techniques such as ‘distributed analytics’ for collective analysis of multiple data sources


A picture says more than a thousand words

CBS wants to make its data even more accessible. One effective way to do this is through data visualisation


CBS and DNB: working towards univocal figures

CBS and DNB will better match their respective mandatory surveys for companies serving as reporting agents


First Academic Data Centre launched in Groningen

a more efficient form of collaboration and specifically work together in the disciplines of methodology and data science
