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11845 results for Statistics Netherlands vacancies
11845 results for Statistics Netherlands vacancies

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Statistics Netherlands reviews the year 2023

Statistics Netherlands reviews the year 2023.


Vacancies; vacancy rate, SIC 2008

Vacancy rate Economic activity SIC2008


Vacancies;SIC 2008;private sector

Unfilled vacancies, new vacancies and filled vacancies by economic activities (SIC 2008), private firms


Vacancies; SIC 2008; private firms and government sectors

Unfilled vacancies, new vacancies and filled vacancies by economic activities (SIC 2008), including government


Vacancies (new and filled); government and education

Vacancies, new vacancies and filled vacancies eight government sectors


Developing a material flow monitor for the Netherlands from national statistical data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) developed a Material Flow Monitor (MFM) that captures national resource extraction, imports and exports, product flows between economic sectors, as well as emissions and...


Unfilled vacancies; SIC 2008, Provinces

Unfilled vacancies By SIC2008 and region


Vacancies; seasonally adjusted

Vacancies; seasonally adjusted by economic activities (SIC 2008), particuler firms and government


Vacancies; flowfigures, seasonally adjusted

Seasonally adjusted vacancies only totals


Vacancies 1946-1996

A time series, corrected for breaks and underestimation, of the number of vacancies in the Netherlands, 1946-1996


Vacancy indicator

Vacancy indicator Manufacturing, construction, commercial services, SBI2008


CBS invests in statistics on climate change impacts

Collecting climate data should be just as routine for statistical institutes around the world as collecting data on the population or the economy.


New Vacancies; classification of occupation ROA-CBS 2014, SIC 2008

New vacancies by occupation SIC 2008; classification of occupation (ISCO 08)


Ensuring the quality of statistics using scientific methods

CBS uses scientifically proven methods to guarantee the quality of its products and services.


Statistics on nature play crucial role in national and international policy

The figures published by CBS on nature in the Netherlands play an important role in all sorts of societal discussions, including the current debates on nirogen and biodiversity.


The role of causal modelling in official statistics

Causal modelling is of interest to augment the interpretation of data published by national statistical institutes. An exploration of the relevant methods as well as a case study in the domain of...


An attempt to measuring fossil fuel subsidies by way of official statistics

The international statistical guidelines provide little guidance on how to account for fossil fuel subsidies. In this report we explore the already published estimates and make an attempt to define a...


International experts apply yardstick to Statistics Netherlands

Just recently, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) was the subject of an official Peer review, executed by the European Statistical System (ESS).


Synthetic data opens up possibilities in the statistical field

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) recently released a new handbook, ‘Synthetic Data for Official Statistics’, to help get statistical institutes started in producing their own...


International reference work covers diverse business statistics expertise

A truly international reference work, with 36 chapters covering the latest state of play in all facets of business statistics production.


International trade in goods statistics changed as of 2023

The international trade in goods statistics describe the monthly development of the import and export of goods.


30.6 thousand homeless people in the Netherlands

There were an estimated 30.6 thousand homeless people in the Netherlands on 1 January 2023


The COVID-19 pandemic: how did it affect statistics?

On 27 February 2020, the first patient testing positive for coronavirus was reported in the Netherlands; the first COVID death was reported on 6 March.


Government Finance Statistics; key figures

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


Foreign controlled enterprises in The Netherlands

Number of companies, employment, Net turnover, value of output Industries/sectors (SIC 2008), country of ultimate control
