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5917 results for areas with population decline
5917 results for areas with population decline

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Dutch economy recovers further in fourth quarter 2010

Dutch economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2010 was 2.4 percent compared with the same period in the previous year.


Public corporations; liabilities, controlling government sector 2012-2016

Debt of financial or other (loss or profit making) corporations by controlling government subsector.


11 percent of asylum status holders in work

Out of the asylum seekers who obtained a residence permit in 2014, 11 percent were in work after 30 months; 84 percent of status holders were benefit recipients.


Energy reserves

The remaining natural gas reserves in the Netherlands have decreased by almost 54 percent since 2000.


Economic situation improves slightly

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved slightly in April.


Agriculture and horticulture services; employment and finance, 2009-2013

Agriculture services; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Support activities for agriculture


Labour market recovery continues more slowly

The recovery of the Dutch labour market continued in the first quarter of 2015 albeit somewhat slower. There was a job increase of 6 thousand, reaching 9.8 million, plus another 40 thousand jobs in...


Museums; size, visits and personnel, per region and province 1995-2009

Museums; size, visits and personnel, per region and province Museums; size, visits and personnel


Economic situation fairly stable

The economic situation has hardly changed in July.


Economic situation improves slightly

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has hardly changed in January.


Economic situation improves further

The economic situation is improving further in April.


Higher taxes and social insurance contributions

The burden imposed by taxes and social security contributions has grown in recent years to 37.8 percent of GDP in 2015.


Economy improves further

Economy improves further


Steady economic growth

Steady economic growth


upbeat prospects for Dutch economy

Statistics Netherlands reports today that optimism about the Dutch economy prevails. Nearly all relevant indicators perform above the level of their long-term average. The economic situation improved...


National and international tourism booming

International tourism has grown by 4.8% worldwide following the 2008 economic crisis.


Production-based greenhouse gas emissions

Since 2000, greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by 6 percent (2016), while Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown.


Dutch government deficit and debt reduced considerably

The Netherlands’ general government deficit in 2015 came out at 1.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).


economic situation gradually improving

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that - just as in the preceding months - the economic situation in the Netherlands continues to improve. Most indicators in February’s Business Cycle Tracer...


Self-employed persons; income, wealth, characteristics; 2007-2016

Income, capital, substantial interest Entrepreneurs, owner-managers


Bankruptcies; monthly figures by legal form and region, Jan.1993-April 2014

Pronounced bankruptcies of natural persons, enterprises and one-man businesses, divided by region.


Emissions to air, origin and destination; national accounts 1990-2013

Environmental Accounts, origin and destination emissions to air origin and destination emissions to air


Economic situation improves slightly

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved slightly in May.
