Annual report 2009 National Youth Monitor

omslag annual report 2009

The Annual report 2009 of the National Youth Monitor of the Netherlands presents a broad overview of how children and young people under the age of 25 years in the Netherlands are doing. The situation of this group is described from six points of view: young people and families, health, education, social participation, labour market and security. The contents are based on figures which are presented on the website Statistics Netherlands, the Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction (Trimbos), and the Dutch Expert Centre on Sexuality (Rutgers Nisso Groep) have all contributed to the articles in the report. The book is intended for everyone who - in a professional capacity or otherwise - is interested in young people in the Netherlands.

The Annual report 2009 is a joint publication of the Ministry for Youth and Families and Statistics Netherlands. In addition to these two organisations, the Ministries of Health, Welfare and Sport; Education, Culture and Science; Social Affairs and Employment; and Justice contribute to the National Youth Monitor.