Omnibus survey

© Hollandse Hoogte / Herman Wouters
This year CBS is conducting the Omnibus survey again. We are doing this on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba.

How do you take part?

If you received an invitation to take part in this survey, a CBS employee will visit you at home to complete the questionnaire together. Read on if you would like to know more.

Why this survey?

This survey aims to gain insight into the living conditions of the population on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. This concerns matters such as health, housing and safety. The results of this survey help to make decisions about the Caribbean Netherlands society.

Why have I been selected?

CBS has randomly selected a number of people from the Personal Information Service of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba (PIVA). The PIVA contains the addresses and names of all residents in the Caribbean Netherlands. The addresses of the people we invite are spread over Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. Not every resident can take part in this survey. Therefore, your participation is very important: you represent a large number of other people in the Caribbean Netherlands.

Your data are safe

CBS handles your data with care. Your personal data will be separated from your answers. You can read how we handle your data on the website: Privacy.


Do you want to contact the CBS? Feel free to call our office on Bonaire. The telephone number is +599 717 8676. We can be reached Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 17:00 hours. You can also send an e-mail to

A CBS employee at the door or on the phone?

Have you received a visit from a CBS employee, or have you been called? Would you like to know more about how that works? And do you wonder what measures CBS has taken against the coronavirus? Then click on Home Visits Caribbean Netherlands.

Luisterende jongeren
© Hollandse Hoogte / Herman Wouters

Enkuesta Omnibus

E aña aki CBS ta bolbe hasi e Enkuesta Omnibus. Esaki nos ta hasi na Boneiru, Sint Eustatius i Saba.

Kon mi ta partisipá?

Bo a haña un invitashon pa partisipá na e investigashon aki? Un kolaboradó di CBS lo bishitá bo na kas pa huntu boso yena e lista di pregunta.
Bo ke sa mas promé? Sigui lesa e ora ei.

Dikon e investigashon aki?

E meta di e investigashon aki ta pa haña un idea di e sirkunstansia di bida na Boneiru, Sint Eustatius i Saba. Den esaki ta trata tópikonan manera salubridat, bibienda i seguridat. E resultadonan di e investigashon aki ta yuda pa tuma desishonnan tokante e komunidat hulandes karibense.

Dikon a skohe ami?

CBS a skohe un kantidat arbitrario di hende for di e Persoonsinformatievoorziening Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba (PIVA). Den e PIVA tin e adrès i nòmbernan di tur habitante di Hulanda Karibense. E adrèsnan di e personanan ku nos ta invitá ta situá plamá rònt Boneiru, Sint Eustatius i Saba. No kada habitante por ta enbolbí den e investigashon aki. P’esei bo partisipashon ta hopi importante: bo ta representá un kantidat grandi di otro hende na Hulanda Karibense.

Bo datonan ta seif

CBS ta trata bo datonan ku koutela. Ta separá bo datonan personal for di bo kontestanan. Kon nos ta trata bo datonan, bo por lesa riba e página web: Privacy.


Bo ke tuma kontakto ku CBS? Yama nos ofisina na Boneiru libremente. E number di telefon ta +599 717 8676. Nos ta alkansabel di djaluna te ku djabièrnè entre 8 or di mainta i 5 or di atardi. Tambe bo por manda un meil na

Un kolaboradó di CBS na porta òf na telefòn?

Un kolaboradó di CBS a bishitá bo òf yama bo na telefon? Bo ke sa mas tokante kon esei ta bai? I bo ta puntra bo mes ki medida CBS a tuma kontra di e coronavirus? Klek e ora ei riba: Caribisch Nederland huisbezoek.