How to submit a complaint

To complain about the application of the policy rule (Beleidsregel taakuitoefening CBS) or the ministerial regulation Regeling werkzaamheden derden CBS.
If you have a different complaint about Statistics Netherlands, you can 'Complain'.
Complaints procedure at CBS
The following regulations apply when submitting a complaint:
- A complaint in writing must be signed and should include at least the following:
- name and address of the submitter;
- date of signature;
- a clear description of the conduct against which the complaint is directed.
- If the complaint is written in a foreign language (any other language than Dutch) and a translation is necessary for the proper handling of the complaint, the submitter must arrange for a translation.
- If a complaint does not meet the requirements under points 1 and 2, CBS shall give the submitter the opportunity to complete the complaint within two weeks. If the complaint still does not meet the formal requirements after the expiry of that period, the obligation to apply the complaints procedure lapses. CBS shall then inform the submitter as soon as possible in writing, stating the reasons.
You can submit a complaint using the form link above.