CBS and DNB launching collaboration


Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB, the Dutch central bank) are collaborating to improve the quality and consistency of data on the Dutch economy, with a particular focus on the balance of payments and the national accounts.

To this end, CBS and DNB are establishing a new cooperation chain for macroeconomic statistics. Both institutes will be able to make optimum use of one another’s expertise in this project. The introduction of this intensive collaboration is in response to an increasing demand for statistical information on the Dutch financial sector as well as rising demand for unambiguous information about the Netherlands’ financial relations with the rest of the world.

By working together, CBS and DNB are better able to respond to a changing landscape. With the advance of globalisation, the complexity in collecting, processing and clarification of data will only increase further. Thanks to this collaboration, both parties will be even better equipped to respond to a changing playing field. For the users of data, we shall be able to align the provision of statistics with the currently relevant economic developments and trends.

CBS will remain responsible for the National Accounts and for monitoring the non-financial sectors. DNB will become responsible for monitoring the financial sectors, compiling statistics on securities, the national balance of payments and international investment position statistics for the Netherlands.