International education

What does the survey entail?


The purpose of this survey is to compile up-to-date and internationally comparable data on the participation, enrolment, and pass-rates of students in education.

Target population

All students in state-funded education. In the academic years 2010/’11, 2011/’12 and from 2014/’15 onwards, students in education approved but not funded by the government are included as well.

Statistical unit


Start of survey

The Eurostat database has data available from the academic year 2002/’03 onwards.


Every year.

Publication strategy

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shares the data collected with Eurostat, OECD and UNESCO for the purpose of international comparison. Eurostat publishes the data collected in the Eurostat database. The OECD uses the data in its annual publication Education at a Glance.

How is the survey conducted?

Survey type

The data on the participation, enrolment, and pass-rates of students in education funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) is based on register information at the level of individuals.

The data on students in education approved but not funded by the government is based on the Labour Force Survey (LFS).

The data on PhD students and graduates is based on a PhD student database maintained by the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL).

Data collection method

The data collection method for education funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) can be found in the brief survey descriptions for the different types of education in the Netherlands: Primary education, Secondary education, Secondary vocational education, and Higher education.
The data collection method for education approved but not funded by the government can be found on in the brief survey description for the Labour Force Survey.


The Education Implementation Service (DUO) provides data on all education funded by Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). To gather data on education approved but not funded by the government, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) uses the results of the Labour Force Survey (LFS).

Scope of sample survey

Not applicable.

Checking and correction methods

The Education Implementation Service (DUO) checks all the data they receive from their respondents (institutions) for internal consistency and completeness. If necessary, the data is improved in consultation with the respondents. Specialists at Statistics Netherlands (CBS) also check the data upon receipt. If necessary, the data is improved in consultation with the Education Implementation Service (DUO).

The checking and correction methods for the Labour Force Survey (LFS) can be found in the brief survey description for the Labour Force Survey.


Not applicable.

Quality of the results


The figures for state-funded education are accurate. Information on the accuracy of the figures for education approved but not funded by the government can be found in the brief survey description for the Labour Force Survey.

Sequential comparability

The data on students in state-funded education is comparable over time. However, the data from the years that include education approved but not funded by the government is not directly comparable with the data from the years that do not include this type of education.

Quality strategy

Quality reports for the survey on international education can be found on the Eurostat website.