House Price Index (HPI) 2020=100

What does the survey comprise?


The HPI measures the price development of dwellings purchased by households. The dwelling must be located on Dutch territory and sold to a private person.

Target population

Sold dwellings, both newly built and existing owner-occupied dwellings

Statistical unit

Owner-occupied dwellings, newly built and existing owner-occupied dwellings

Date/year survey started

The HPI is a weighted aggregate of the price index for newly built dwellings (PND) and the price index for existing dwellings (PED). The PED is calculated on a monthly basis and available from 1995. The PND is calculated on a quarterly basis and available from 2015. The HPI is therefore calculated on a quarterly basis and starting in 2015. The longer series for the PED before 2015 is published in the table Existing own homes; purchase price indices by type of dwelling 2020=100.



Publication strategy

The price index figures of the HPI and PND remain provisional for one quarter. The number of sold dwellings are provisional for four quarters. All figures of the PED are definite. Approximately 3 months after the reporting month, the figures will be published.

How is the survey conducted?

Survey type

The HPI is a weighted aggregate of the PND and PED. The weights represent the annual total value of purchase prices of newly built dwellings and existing dwellings. It is calculated by summing up the selling prices of all dwellings sold in a year. Each year new weights are calculated. A detailed description of the method can be found in the document ‘Survey method House Price Index’.

The PND is based on a survey amongst a sample of developers who sell newly built dwellings. The number of sold dwellings and the total value purchase prices associated with the PND are based on a complete registration of housing transactions at the Land Registry. A detailed description of the method can be found in this document. (only in dutch)

The PED is based on a complete registration of housing transactions at the Land Registry. A detailed description of the method can be found in the document ‘Survey method Price index existing dwellings’.

Survey method

The data collection for the PND takes place with the help of questionnaires. The observations for the number of sold dwellings for newly built dwellings and for the PED take place with the help of data from the Land Registry.


The Land Registry and companies (selling developers of newly built dwellings).

Sample size

For the PND approximately 300 companies are observed each quarter.