Financial and business services

Financial and business services

Filter by year:
  1. Fewer hours worked for temp job agencies
  2. Base shift for index series
  3. Business services monitor second quarter 2012
  4. More hours worked in temp jobs
  5. Business services monitor: first quarter 2012
  6. Fewer hours worked in temp jobs
  7. Dutch economy shrinks by 1.1 percent
  8. Disposable household income further down
  9. Business services monitor: fourth quarter of 2011
  10. More hours worked in temp jobs
  11. Highest special allowances paid in sectors mineral extraction and financial services
  12. Cancelled: Dutch borrow more and pay higher interest rates
  13. Number of vacancies further down
  14. Companies pay higher dividends in 2011
  15. Average retirement age employees more than 63 years