Over 1.7 million victims of sexually transgressive behaviour

© ANP / helenevanrijn.nl
More than 1.7 million people aged 16 years or older were affected by sexually transgressive behaviour in 2024. This was lower than in 2022, but approximately equal to the number in 2020. Nearly 1.3 million people aged 16 years and over said they were victims of domestic violence, which is similar to the number in 2022. This is according to new figures taken from the Prevalence Monitor on Domestic and sexually transgressive behaviour, research conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the Research and Data Centre (WODC). Over 25 thousand people aged 16 and above participated in this internet survey.

In 2020, 11 percent of people aged 16 years or older said they had been a victim of sexually transgressive behaviour in the twelve months prior to the survey. In 2022 the share increased to 13 percent, and in 2024 it was down to the same level as in 2020, at 12 percent (more than 1.7 million people).

Of the various types of sexually transgressive behaviour, people aged 16 years and over were the most likely to report having been a victim of offline sexual harassment (8 percent, nearly 1.2 million) in 2024. Five percent of them were victims of online sexual harassment (over 760 thousand people aged 16 and above), and 4 percent were victims of physical sexual violence (over 520 thousand). The percentage of offline sexual harassment victims alone was higher in 2024 than it was in 2020, and it also increased in 2022.

In 2024, 1.3 million people (9 percent) reported having been a victim of domestic violence, which is similar to the number in previous years.

Victims of sexually transgressive behaviour or domestic violence¹⁾
 2024 (% of people aged 16 yrs and over)
Sexually transgressive behaviour
Offline sexual harassment8.1
Online sexual harassment5.2
Physical sexual violence3.5
Domestic violence
Psychological domestic violence5.9
Physical domestic violence3.6
Stalking ay an ex-partner²⁾2.4
Source: CBS, WODC
¹⁾ In the previous 12 months. ²⁾ People aged 16 years and over with an ex-partner.

(Bi-plus) women and NBGQ individuals most likely to be victims of sexually transgressive behaviour

When it comes to gender identity, individuals who identify as female were more than twice as likely to have been victims of sexually transgressive behaviour than those who identify as male: 16 versus 7 percent. Of those who identify as non-binary or gender queer (NBGQ), 31 percent experienced this behaviour and 26 percent was effected by domestic violence. These are people who do not identify exclusively or unambiguously as male or female.

In terms of victimisation by sexual orientation, bi-plus women (women who are attracted to more than one gender) were the most likely to have been victims of sexually transgressive behaviour (34 percent). They were also likely to have been affected by domestic violence, relatively speaking. Heterosexual men were the least likely to have experienced transgressive behaviour and domestic violence, at 6 to 7 percent.Young people were more likely than older people to experience this.

Victims, by gender identity and sexual orientation, 2024¹⁾
 Sexually transgressive behaviour (% of people aged 16 years and over)Domestic violence (% of people aged 16 years and over)
Gender identity
Sexual orientation
Heterosexual women13.79.2
Homosexual women17.315.1
Bi-plus women3417.2
Heterosexual men6.17.1
Homosexual men25.78.8
Bi-plus men15.311.9
Source: CBS, WODC
¹⁾ In the previous 12 months. ²⁾ NBGQ is an umbrella term for anyone who does not unambiguously identify as a woman or a man.

While 16 to 17-year-olds and 18 to 23-year-olds were the most likely to be victims of sexually transgressive behaviour, at 25 and 30 percent respectively, this was less frequently mentioned by those aged 65 and over (3 percent). In addition, 24 percent of 16 to 17-year-olds were victims of domestic violence, versus 19 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds. Among those aged 65 and over the figure was 2 percent.

Victims suffer from mental health issues in particular

Victims of domestic violence were likely to suffer from mental health issues resulting from their victimisation. In particular, 67 percent of those aged 16 years and above who were stalked by their ex-partner said they had problems. This was mentioned by 64 percent of victims of psychological domestic violence and by 49 percent of victims of physical domestic violence. Domestic violence victims are the most likely to experience mental health issues. Relationship and family issues, and physical problems were also mentioned relatively often.

Victims of sexually transgressive behaviour were the most likely to mention mental health issues, but sexual problems and relationship issues were also mentioned relatively often. Among victims of physical sexual violence, offline sexual harassment, and online sexual harassment, 32, 24, and 20 percent respectively said they had experienced problems. Physical sexual violence comes in different forms, such as unwanted sexual touching, unwanted kissing, or unwanted sexual activities. As for the latter, 66 percent of victims reported that they had experienced problems from this.

Victims who have experienced problems, 2024¹⁾
 2024 (% of people aged 16 yrs and over)
Domestic violence
Stalking by an ex-partner66.6
Psychological domestic violence63.5
Physical domestic violence48.7
Sexual transgressive behaviour
Physical sexual violence32
Offline sexual harassment23.6
Online sexual harassment19.6
Source: CBS, WODC
¹⁾ In the previous 12 months.