How questions on pessimism were formulated

The degree of pessimism is based on the following two statements and one question:
‘The future looks hopeful as things stand now’;
‘For most people, life is getting worse rather than better’;
‘How do you think things are generally going in the Netherlands?’

The answer options for the two statements were (1) ‘Strongly agree’, (2) ‘Agree’, (3) ‘Neither agree, nor disagree’, (4) ‘Disagree’, (5) ‘Strongly disagree’. The option ‘I do not know’ was also included.

The answer options for the question were (1) ‘Things are clearly going in the right direction’, (2) ‘Things are somewhat going in the right direction’, (3) ‘Things are somewhat going in the wrong direction’, (4) ‘Things are clearly going in the wrong direction’. The option ‘I do not know’ was also included.