More than 10 million online shoppers

The number of online shoppers continues to grow. Over the entire year 2014, 10.4 million internet users had at least once bought something online. The number of recent e-shoppers, i.e. those who have bought something online in the three months prior to the survey, has risen significantly. A survey conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shows that trips, clothes and tickets are most commonly bought online.
Nearly 8 million people regularly buy online
Last year, 10.4 million internet users in the age category 12-74 bought goods or services online. In recent years, the number of frequent e-shoppers has risen steadily from 3.9 million in 2005 to 7.9 million in 2014. Since 2011, the growth rate has slowed down: in 2013, there were 7.5 million frequent e-shoppers. Another 2.5 million people occasionally bought goods and/or services over the internet in 2014, about as many as in 2013. Approximately 2 million internet users have not made online purchases last year. The increase in online shopping is also shown in online retail turnover, which grew by more than 11 percent in 2014 relative to 2013.
Trips and articles of clothing
Trips and articles of clothing are still the most popular goods and services purchased online. In 2014, two-thirds of frequent e-shoppers bought trips, clothes or shoes online. More than half bought tickets for events online. Compared to 2013, the number of people buying household articles, like pieces of furniture, washing machines and toys increased noticeably from 31 to 39 percent. Food products, cosmetics and cleaning products were also commonly bought online.
Most e-shoppers use online payment methods
E-shoppers use various payment methods. A vast majority (92 percent) used online banking services in 2014. More than four in ten (also) occasionally paid by credit card and three in ten paid cash or by bank transfer. Prepaid card and e-wallet were rarely used payment methods.
E-shoppers also buy abroad
In 2014, the vast majority of e-shoppers in the Netherlands (94 percent) bought goods or services from Dutch suppliers. Additionally, 28 percent (also) bought goods or services from other EU countries. One fifth bought products from non-EU countries.