European support for helping young unemployed people find work

According to a study by Statistics Netherlands over 145 young unemployed people in the Netherlands have improved their opportunities on the job market with financial support from Europe since 2009. Until 2014 over half of the participants in ESF programs found a job right after.

In de period 2009–2014 over 145 thousand young unemployed people in the Netherlands participated in the ESF program  to improve their opportunities on the job market. The program reached about 20 percent of the young unemployed people. The participants in the ESF programs often have  little education, hampering their access to jobs. In the ESF projects they receive help  finding a job through offering traineeships, improving skills or individual career guidance.

Job opportunities despite rising youth unemployment

In 2010–2012 over 60 percent of the young people found work right after their participation in an ESF project. Slightly over half of the participants of  2010 had a job a year later .The participants of  2013 had significantly more trouble finding a job after the program due to the deteriorating job market, with 46 percent finding a job right after they finished the ESF projects. In 2014 49 percent of this group was working.

A job right after finishing an EFS project, and a year later

Source: ESF-monitor