Share of teleworking employees growing

Over the past years, the share of employees working from home has risen to nearly one in three in 2012. Half of employees could take leave whenever they wanted and more than one in five could set their own working hours on a regular basis.

One in three employees are working from home

A growing group of employees are working from home. In 2005, one quarter of employees reported to work at home at least one hour a week, versus nearly one third in 2012. On average, employees work nearly 6 hours a week from home

Employee; teleworking

Employee; teleworking

Half of employees can take leave whenever they deem necessary

Half of employees reported last year they could regularly decide themselves when to take leave and one third could do this occasionally. A minority of employees can, to a certain extent, set their own working hours: 22 percent can set their own working hours regularly and 23 percent occasionally.

Employees; free to take leave whenever they want and set their own working hours, 2012

Employees; free to take leave whenever they want and set their own working hours, 2012

One in ten can work from home and choose their own working hours

Nearly one in five employees report they can take leave whenever they please and choose their own working hours. More than half - one in every ten employees – are working from home at least one hour a week.

Highest share of teleworkers in sector education

The highest proportion of teleworkers are found in the sector education; more than two thirds of employees are working from home at least one hour a week, but few people employed in education can choose when to take leave and set their own working hours. The sectors hotels and restaurants, transport and storage, construction and trade have the lowest teleworking rate and few people employed in these sectors can choose themselves when to take leave and set their own working hours on a regular basis.

Employees; working from home and take leave whenever they want and set their own working hours by sector, 2012

Employees; working from home and take leave whenever they want and set their own working hours by sector, 2012

Martine Mol