Largest number of job vacancies ever

The number of job vacancies increased further in the third quarter of 2007. At the end of September, 236 thousands jobs were vacant, compared with 223 thousand at the end of the second quarter. The number of job vacancies has never been as high as this. The data have been corrected for seasonal effects.

The growth in the third quarter of 2007 was recorded in all sectors. The number of job openings in the manufacturing industry and construction was up 3 thousand. In commercial services 6 thousand more jobs became available. The number in non-commercial services rose by 2 thousand from the second to the third quarter.

The labour market remains very active, albeit slightly less so than twelve months previously. In the third quarter 255 thousand new vacancies were created, 9 thousand fewer than twelve months previously. The number of filled vacancies was 266 thousand in the third quarter, 8 thousand down on one year previously.

Job vacancies, seasonally adjusted

Job vacancies, seasonally adjusted