Five bike journeys a week

An average Dutch resident used his or her bicycle for five journeys a week in 2001. But there were very substantial differences in cycling between municipalities.

Journeys by bicycle, 2001

Different patterns: university towns versus southern Limburg

In municipalities where bikes are used most, inhabitants used them eight to ten times a week to get around. These municipalities include university towns (Groningen, Wageningen, Leiden and Kampen) but also Houten en Vlissingen.

People in the south of Limburg used their bikes less than average: four times a week. Inhabitants of Rotterdam and Almere also cycled less than average. Public transport is probably a good alternative in these municipalities.

Public transport popular in densely populated areas

On average public transport was used for one journey a week in 2001. People living in the large cities and their surrounding areas used public transport more than average. The relatively extensive public transport network in these areas (trains, trams, buses and metro) provide more alternatives.

Journeys by public transport, 2001

People living in Amsterdam and surrounding area (Diemen, Amstelveen, Almere) but also in Purmerend to the north, used public transport relatively often. Inhabitants of Rotterdam, The Hague, Rijswijk, Delft, Capelle aan de IJssel, Utrecht and Arnhem used public transport more than one and a half times a week on average.

Inhabitants of relatively sparsely populated regions such as Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, south-eastern Brabant, northern Limburg, and in the northeast of the country hardly used public transport at all. Public transport facilities in these regions are more limited..

Hermine Molnár