Local intergovernmental organisations; balance sheet per 31 December

Local intergovernmental organisations; balance sheet per 31 December

Balance sheet items-intergov. org. Periods Balance sheet items at year-end (million euros)
A048032 2022* 8,448
A048033 2022* 3,544
A048034 2022* 29
A048035 2022* 2,218
A048036 2022* 270
A048037 2022* 781
A048038 2022* 56
A048039 2022* 1,110
A048040 2022* 1,298
A048041 2022* 65
A048042 2022* 1,025
A048043 2022* 132
A048044 2022* 75
A048045 2022* 4,904
A048046 2022* 517
A048047 2022*
A048048 2022* 507
A048049 2022* 10
A048050 2022* 4,387
A048051 2022* 3,600
A048052 2022* 234
A048053 2022* 553
A048054 2022* 8,448
A048055 2022* 4,561
A048056 2022* 1,159
A048057 2022* 344
A048058 2022* 678
A048059 2022* 137
A048060 2022* 271
A048061 2022* 3,131
A048062 2022* 3,013
A048063 2022* 118
A048064 2022* 3,887
A048065 2022* 1,757
A048066 2022* 2,130
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on balance sheet items from local intergovernmental organisations in millions of euros. The figures presented in the table are based on balance sheet positions that are in line with the definitions and classifications used by the local intergovernmental organisations themselves in their administration and are presented at year-end. This data is supplied to Statistics Netherlands via the survey 'Informatie voor derden' (Iv3). The requirements for this survey are laid down in the 'Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording' (BBV).

Data available from 2022.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are provisional at the time of first publication. The figures become definitive when figures for the following year are added to the series.

Changes as of 18 December 2023:
None, this is a new table.
The provisional figures for 2022 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
The new figures from the local intergovernmental organizations accounts are published no later than 12 months after the reporting period.
The figures can be adjusted on the basis of the availability of new or updated source material. In general, the adjustments are small. The adjustments are made the moment a new annual figure is added to the series.

Description topics

Balance sheet items at year-end
Balance sheet items at year-end based on the accounts of local intergovernmental organisations shown in millions of euros.