Population; households and population dynamics; from 1899

Dataset is not available.

The most important key figures about population, households, population growth, births, deaths, migration, marriages, marriage dissolutions and change of nationality of the Dutch population.

CBS is in transition towards a new classification of the population by origin. Greater emphasis is now placed on where a person was born, aside from where that person’s parents were born. The term ‘migration background’ is no longer used in this regard. The main categories western/non-western are being replaced by categories based on continents and a few countries that share a specific migration history with the Netherlands. The new classification is being implemented gradually in tables and publications on population by origin.

Data available from: 1899

Status of the figures:
All data in this publication are final data.

Changes as of 15 December 2023:
None, this is a new table. This table succeeds the table Population; households and population dynamics; 1899-2019. See section 3.
The following changes have been made:
- The underlying topic folders regarding 'migration background' have been replaced by 'Born in the Netherlands' and 'Born abroad';
- The origin countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey have been assigned to the continent of Asia (previously Europe).

When will the new figures be published?
The figures for the population development in 2023 and the population on 1 January 2024 will be published in the second quarter of 2024.

Description topics

Population on 1 January
The total number of people residing in a given area.
In the population statistics compiled by Statistics Netherlands the inhabitants of a given area are the people registered in the population register, whose address is located in that area.
Population by nationality
Data on 1900, 1910, 1921 and 1931 are based on the results of the censuses held on 31 December 1899, 1909, 1920 and 1930. Population data on 1947 are based on the census of 31 May 1947. Data on the period 1969-1972 are partly estimates and data on the periods 1956-1968 and 1973-1975 are provided by the Ministry of Justice.

Being the legal subject of a particular nation (citizenship).
The category non-Dutch subjects includes persons who neither have the Dutch nationality nor a double nationality of which one is Dutch.
Diplomats and persons belonging to the NATO military, for instance, do not fall into this category.
Total foreign nationalities
Total persons with a foreign nationality residing in the Netherlands.
1900 to 1924: excluding children born alive who died before the birth was registered.
1940 to 1945: excluding deaths among approximately 104 thousand deported Jews and 39 thousand deported political prisoners, employees and soldiers of the German military.

Break in series of late reports
From 2010 onwards more late reports received in the year of publication will be included in the figures for the year under review.

Person declared dead by an authorized doctor.
Deaths within 4 weeks after birth
Live born babies who die within 28 days of their birth.
Deaths < 4 weeks after birth
Deaths < 4 weeks after birth, relative
Live born babies who die within 28 days of their birth per 1,000 live born children.

Live born child:
A baby showing some sign of life after birth, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.
Deaths within 1 year after birth
Live-born children who died before their first birthday.
Deaths < 1 year after birth
Deaths < 1 year after birth, relative
Live-born children who died before their first birthday.per 1,000 live born children.

Live born child:
A baby showing some sign of life after birth, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.
A move between two geographic entities resulting in a change of municipality or country.

Break in series of late reports
Up to 2010 reports of events in a certain year received at Statistics Netherlands after 15 February of the following year - the so-called late reports - were ignored. As a result of an improvement in the production method, late reports received in the year of publication will be included in the figures for the year of publication.
Persons moved within municipalities
A person moving from one address in a municipality to another address in the same municipality.
Persons moved between municipalities
A person moving from one municipality to another.

Changes of address due to boundary changes between municipalities or municipal reorganisations are not considered as moved persons.

Within the same province, relative
Persons moved between municipalities but within the same province per hundred of the total number of persons moved between municipalities.

Persons who have moved between municipalities but within the same province:
People who move where the old and the new address are located in different municipalities but within the same province.
Changes of address due to boundary changes between municipalities or municipal reorganisations are not considered as relocation.