Health and health care; personal characteristics

Health and health care; personal characteristics

Characteristics Margins Periods SF-12 health measure, 12 plus Separate items General health Excellent (%) SF-12 health measure, 12 plus Separate items General health Very good (%) SF-12 health measure, 12 plus Separate items General health Good (%) SF-12 health measure, 12 plus Separate items General health Moderate (%) SF-12 health measure, 12 plus Separate items General health Bad (%)
Total persons Value 2023 14.1 28.8 42.7 11.8 2.5
Total persons Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.4 27.8 41.6 11.1 2.2
Total persons Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 14.9 29.8 43.8 12.6 2.9
Sex: Male Value 2023 16.2 30.5 41.3 10.1 1.9
Sex: Male Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 15.1 29.0 39.7 9.1 1.5
Sex: Male Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 17.5 32.0 42.9 11.1 2.4
Sex: Female Value 2023 12.1 27.1 44.1 13.5 3.1
Sex: Female Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 11.1 25.8 42.6 12.5 2.6
Sex: Female Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.1 28.5 45.7 14.6 3.7
Age: 0 to 3 years Value 2023 . . . . .
Age: 0 to 3 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 . . . . .
Age: 0 to 3 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 . . . . .
Age: 4 to 11 years Value 2023 . . . . .
Age: 4 to 11 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 . . . . .
Age: 4 to 11 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 . . . . .
Age: 12 to 15 years Value 2023 37.3 37.7 22.4 2.4 0.2
Age: 12 to 15 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 32.9 33.4 18.8 1.3 0.0
Age: 12 to 15 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 41.9 42.3 26.4 4.4 1.7
Age: 16 to 19 years Value 2023 24.1 38.1 31.7 5.2 0.8
Age: 16 to 19 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 20.3 33.5 27.4 3.4 0.2
Age: 16 to 19 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 28.5 42.9 36.4 8.0 2.3
Age: 20 to 29 years Value 2023 17.7 38.7 36.6 6.4 0.6
Age: 20 to 29 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 15.4 35.6 33.6 5.0 0.3
Age: 20 to 29 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 20.2 41.8 39.7 8.2 1.5
Age: 30 to 39 years Value 2023 15.5 34.9 40.7 8.0 0.9
Age: 30 to 39 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.5 32.0 37.7 6.5 0.4
Age: 30 to 39 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 17.8 37.8 43.7 10.0 1.7
Age: 40 to 49 years Value 2023 11.5 28.2 45.8 11.6 2.9
Age: 40 to 49 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 9.7 25.5 42.7 9.6 2.0
Age: 40 to 49 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.6 31.1 48.9 13.9 4.4
Age: 50 to 54 years Value 2023 12.6 22.4 47.2 14.1 3.6
Age: 50 to 54 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 10.2 19.3 43.3 11.4 2.4
Age: 50 to 54 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 15.5 25.9 51.2 17.2 5.5
Age: 55 to 64 years Value 2023 9.9 23.3 47.1 15.5 4.1
Age: 55 to 64 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 8.4 21.1 44.4 13.6 3.1
Age: 55 to 64 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 11.6 25.7 49.8 17.7 5.5
Age: 65 to 74 years Value 2023 10.4 22.2 48.0 15.2 4.2
Age: 65 to 74 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 8.8 20.0 45.2 13.3 3.1
Age: 65 to 74 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 12.2 24.6 50.8 17.4 5.6
Age: 75 years or older Value 2023 6.0 18.7 49.6 22.0 3.7
Age: 75 years or older Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 4.7 16.3 46.5 19.5 2.6
Age: 75 years or older Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.6 21.2 52.8 24.8 5.2
Age: 0 to 11 years Value 2023 . . . . .
Age: 0 to 11 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 . . . . .
Age: 0 to 11 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 . . . . .
Age: 12 to 17 years Value 2023 32.9 38.3 25.8 2.8 0.3
Age: 12 to 17 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 29.4 34.7 22.6 1.7 0.1
Age: 12 to 17 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 36.5 42.0 29.2 4.5 1.2
Age: 18 years or older Value 2023 12.5 28.0 44.2 12.6 2.7
Age: 18 years or older Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 11.8 27.0 43.0 11.8 2.3
Age: 18 years or older Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.3 29.0 45.4 13.4 3.1
The Netherlands Value 2023 14.1 29.5 43.0 11.3 2.1
The Netherlands Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.3 28.4 41.7 10.6 1.8
The Netherlands Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 15.0 30.6 44.2 12.1 2.5
Europe (excluding the Netherlands) Value 2023 15.6 27.3 41.9 12.4 2.9
Europe (excluding the Netherlands) Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 12.8 23.7 37.9 9.9 1.7
Europe (excluding the Netherlands) Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 18.8 31.1 46.0 15.4 4.7
Outside Europe Value 2023 13.6 26.8 42.2 13.5 3.9
Outside Europe Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 11.7 24.2 39.2 11.5 2.9
Outside Europe Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 15.8 29.5 45.2 15.8 5.3
Origin: born in the Netherlands Value 2023 14.6 29.5 42.7 11.2 2.1
Origin: born in the Netherlands Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.8 28.4 41.5 10.5 1.7
Origin: born in the Netherlands Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 15.5 30.5 43.8 12.0 2.4
Origin: born in NL, parents in NL Value 2023 14.1 29.5 43.0 11.3 2.1
Origin: born in NL, parents in NL Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.3 28.4 41.7 10.6 1.8
Origin: born in NL, parents in NL Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 15.0 30.6 44.2 12.1 2.5
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad Value 2023 17.9 29.3 40.8 10.4 1.6
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 15.3 26.2 37.4 8.4 0.9
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 20.8 32.6 44.4 12.8 2.8
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) in Europe Value 2023 17.7 26.2 40.0 14.1 2.0
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) in Europe Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.5 21.2 34.3 10.5 0.8
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) in Europe Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 22.8 31.9 46.0 18.8 4.7
Origin: born NL, parent(s) out. Europe Value 2023 18.0 30.8 41.2 8.6 1.4
Origin: born NL, parent(s) out. Europe Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 14.9 26.9 37.0 6.4 0.6
Origin: born NL, parent(s) out. Europe Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 21.7 34.9 45.6 11.5 2.9
Origin: born abroad Value 2023 11.4 25.1 43.1 15.3 5.2
Origin: born abroad Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 9.5 22.3 39.8 13.0 3.8
Origin: born abroad Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.6 28.1 46.4 17.9 6.9
Origin: born in Europe (excl. NL) Value 2023 13.9 28.1 43.5 11.0 3.6
Origin: born in Europe (excl. NL) Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 10.4 23.3 38.0 7.8 2.0
Origin: born in Europe (excl. NL) Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 18.2 33.5 49.2 15.1 6.5
Origin: born outside Europe Value 2023 10.3 23.7 42.9 17.2 5.9
Origin: born outside Europe Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 8.1 20.4 38.9 14.3 4.2
Origin: born outside Europe Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 13.0 27.4 47.0 20.7 8.2
Position: single; < 40 year Value 2023 14.1 35.8 40.9 8.0 1.1
Position: single; < 40 year Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 11.2 31.5 36.5 5.8 0.5
Position: single; < 40 year Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 17.6 40.3 45.5 11.0 2.7
Position: single; 40 to 64 years Value 2023 6.9 19.1 45.2 23.0 5.8
Position: single; 40 to 64 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 4.9 15.8 40.6 19.2 3.8
Position: single; 40 to 64 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 9.6 22.9 49.9 27.3 8.7
Position: single; >= 65 years Value 2023 6.5 16.6 46.6 23.1 7.2
Position: single; >= 65 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 4.8 13.9 42.7 20.0 5.3
Position: single; >= 65 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 8.7 19.7 50.5 26.6 9.6
Position: child<18 yrs one-parent Value 2023 26.8 41.1 28.3 3.1 0.8
Position: child<18 yrs one-parent Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 19.2 32.0 20.3 1.0 0.1
Position: child<18 yrs one-parent Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 36.0 50.9 37.9 9.1 5.7
Positon: child of age, one-parent househ Value 2023 . . . . .
Positon: child of age, one-parent househ Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 . . . . .
Positon: child of age, one-parent househ Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 . . . . .
Position: child < 18 yrs, two-parents Value 2023 34.2 38.1 25.3 2.2 0.2
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains data on the perceived state of health and on contacts with providers of medical care of the Dutch population from 0 years on in private households. These data can be grouped by several personal characteristics. For several topics a different age demarcation applies. The age boundaries are listed at the relevant topics.

Data available from: 2014

Status of the data: final.

Changes by March 12, 2024:
The year 2023 have been added.

When will new data be published?
Data on reporting year 2024 will be published in the second quarter of 2025.

Description topics

SF-12 health measure, 12 plus
The 'Short Format 12' or SF-12 questionnaire is a selection of 12 questions from the SF-36 (Ware et al., 1995 *). The SF-12 is a widely used international standard of a generic health measure. The SF-12 measures eight health aspects, namely physical functioning, role limitations due to physical health problems, physical pain, general health, vitality (energy / fatigue), social functioning, role limitations due to emotional problems and mental health. Based on the 12 questions, two partial scales can be calculated; a summary measure for physical health (norm score physical) and a summary measure for psychological health (norm score psychological).
These norm scores are calculated for people aged 12 or older.
*Ware J.E., Kosinski M., Keller S.D. SF-12: How to score the SF-12 Physical and Mental Health Summary Scales. Boston, MA: The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Second Edition, 1995.
Separate items
General health
The following question was asked to respondents aged 12 or older: Overall, what do you think about your health?
1. Excellent
2. Very good
3. Good
4. Moderate
5. Bad
This question is asked in the health survey because it is an item of the SF-12. The question is used to calculate the norm score physically and psychologically. Elsewhere in this Statline table are figures on ‘perceived health; good or very good’. For those figures, use was made of another question with different answer options, namely: How is your health / the health of your child in general?
1. Very good
2. Good
3. OK
4. Bad
5. Very bad
Percentage of people aged 12 or older who answered ’excellent’ to the question ’Overall, how do you feel about your health?’

Very good
Percentage of people aged 12 or older who answered ‘very good’ to the question ‘Overall, how do you feel about your health?’
Percentage of people aged 12 or older who answered ‘good’ to the question ’Overall, how do you feel about your health?’
Percentage of people aged 12 or older who answered ‘moderate’ to the question ‘Overall, how do you feel about your health?’
Percentage of people aged 12 or older who answered ’bad’ to the question ’Overall, how do you feel about your health?’