Persons with dispensed medicines; origin

Persons with dispensed medicines; origin

Sex Age Origin Medicine group (ATC) Periods Persons with medicines, relative (%) Defined daily doses (DDD), relative (number per 1 000 persons)
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Total Total 2021 57.08 290,764
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Total Total 2022* 57.83 288,482
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Total C Cardiovascular system 2021 10.62 66,331
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Total C Cardiovascular system 2022* 10.53 65,389
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born in NL, parents in NL Total 2021 58.14 285,998
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born in NL, parents in NL Total 2022* 59.70 286,803
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born in NL, parents in NL C Cardiovascular system 2021 10.49 64,708
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born in NL, parents in NL C Cardiovascular system 2022* 10.46 64,062
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad Total 2021 60.46 306,110
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad Total 2022* 61.58 306,599
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad C Cardiovascular system 2021 10.33 64,770
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad C Cardiovascular system 2022* 10.33 64,192
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born abroad Total 2021 48.67 302,215
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born abroad Total 2022* 46.87 288,535
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born abroad C Cardiovascular system 2021 11.37 75,184
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin: born abroad C Cardiovascular system 2022* 10.94 72,505
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: The Netherlands Total 2021 58.14 285,998
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: The Netherlands Total 2022* 59.70 286,803
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: The Netherlands C Cardiovascular system 2021 10.49 64,708
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: The Netherlands C Cardiovascular system 2022* 10.46 64,062
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Europe (excl. NL) Total 2021 46.46 221,874
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Europe (excl. NL) Total 2022* 44.10 206,619
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Europe (excl. NL) C Cardiovascular system 2021 9.02 56,778
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Europe (excl. NL) C Cardiovascular system 2022* 8.48 53,388
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Morocco Total 2021 65.83 414,318
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Morocco Total 2022* 65.91 410,463
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Morocco C Cardiovascular system 2021 11.79 69,242
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Morocco C Cardiovascular system 2022* 11.57 68,016
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Turkey Total 2021 65.55 469,588
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Turkey Total 2022* 65.73 462,170
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Turkey C Cardiovascular system 2021 15.08 103,688
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Turkey C Cardiovascular system 2022* 14.97 103,636
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Suriname Total 2021 64.79 485,178
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Suriname Total 2022* 65.09 481,347
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Suriname C Cardiovascular system 2021 15.17 107,075
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Suriname C Cardiovascular system 2022* 15.02 104,989
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Dutch Caribbean Total 2021 59.51 348,195
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Dutch Caribbean Total 2022* 60.26 344,601
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Dutch Caribbean C Cardiovascular system 2021 12.57 85,664
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Dutch Caribbean C Cardiovascular system 2022* 12.49 84,473
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Indonesia Total 2021 54.13 272,443
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Indonesia Total 2022* 54.53 270,159
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Indonesia C Cardiovascular system 2021 9.93 63,849
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Indonesia C Cardiovascular system 2022* 9.91 63,569
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Outside Europe (exc. 5.. Total 2021 54.92 300,627
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Outside Europe (exc. 5.. Total 2022* 55.23 294,731
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Outside Europe (exc. 5.. C Cardiovascular system 2021 11.21 70,399
Total male and female 0 to 64 years, standardised Origin country: Outside Europe (exc. 5.. C Cardiovascular system 2022* 11.06 69,033
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on the absolute number of persons to whom in the year concerned medicines were dispensed for which the costs are reimbursed under the statutory basic medical insurance. Also, the number of dispensed defined daily doses (DDDs) are presented. The figures are also expressed as a percentage of the total population in the category concerned. The population includes everybody registered in the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP) and living in the Netherlands at some point in the year concerned. Until 2010 the figures also included medicines dispensed to persons registered in the BRP, but no longer resident in the Netherlands.
Medicines provided to persons in hospitals and nursing homes are not included; medicines provided in residential homes for the elderly are included.

Data are broken down by medicine group, origin, age and sex.

Data available from 2020.

Status of the figures:
Figures for 2022 are provisional.

Changes as of December 20, 2023:
- Provisional figures for 2022 have been added, provisional figures of 2020 and 2021 have been made definite.
- Textual change: the description of drug group Y (Not filled in) has been replaced by Z (Not applicable). However, the underlying resources have remained the same. This category is assigned to products that do not have an ATC code according to the WHO ATC classification system.

When will new figures be published?
New figures will be published in the last quarter of 2024.

Description topics

Persons with medicines, relative
Number of persons to whom medicines are dispensed in the year concerned that are reimbursed under the statutory basic medical insurance, expressed as a percentage of the total population of the category concerned registered in the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP) in that year.
Defined daily doses (DDD), relative
Defined Daily Dose (DDD) is de door de WHO vastgestelde gemiddelde dagelijkse dosis van een geneesmiddel, wanneer het geneesmiddel wordt ingezet voor de hoofdindicatie, bij een onderhoudsbehandeling voor volwassenen. Deze definitie maakt het mogelijk om het gebruik van verschillende toedieningsvormen en verschillende middelen met elkaar te vergelijken.

WHO: World Health Organisation, Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie