Proximity to facilities; distances by car, sub-municipal data 2021

Proximity to facilities; distances by car, sub-municipal data 2021

Districts and neighbourhoods Regional designation Change in district or neighbourhood (code)
Stationsdistrict 1
Roodenburgerdistrict 1
Bos- en Gasthuisdistrict 1
Morsdistrict 1
Boerhaavedistrict 1
Merenwijkdistrict 1
Stevenshofdistrict 1
Victor Zuid 3
Victor Midden 3
Victor Noord 3
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

This table contains information about the average distances for residents of the Netherlands from their home address to the nearest facilities (e.g. school, GP or library). The table also includes information about the number of facilities located within a certain distance from the residential address. These data are calculated as an average over all persons in the area.
The data is available per municipality at district and neighbourhood level, as of 1 January.

Data available for 2021

Changes as of April 2023
Data on the following themes were added:

Health and wellbeing
GP posts

Traffic and transport
Train stations (all types)
Important transfer stations

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

When will new numbers be released?
No new figures are expected for this table for the time being.

Description topics

Regional designation
The municipalities in the Netherlands are subdivided into districts and neighbourhoods. Neighbourhoods make up the lowest regional level. Districts are summations of one or more contiguous neighbourhoods. The municipality itself determines the division into districts and neighbourhoods. Statistics Netherlands coordinates this classification nationally.

Part of a municipality in which a certain form of land use or construction predominates. For example: industrial area, residential area with high-rise or low-rise buildings. A district consists of one or more neighbourhoods.

Part of a municipality that is homogeneously demarcated from a development point of view or socio-economic structure. Homogeneous means that one function is dominant, for example residential function (residential area), work function (industrial area) or recreational function (nature area). However, functions can also be mixed.
Change in district or neighbourhood
This indicator indicates for each district and neighbourhood whether the figures from this table can be easily linked to and compared with the figures from the previous year, or whether there are changes in the District and Neighbourhood classification that make this impossible. Detailed information about changes in the District and Neighbourhood classification can be obtained by comparing the district and neighbourhood maps of two consecutive years.

The indicator has three possible values:
1: The coding and demarcation of this district/neighbourhood is unchanged compared to the previous year. It is possible that a name change has taken place. The figures can be linked and compared with those of the previous year.
2: The coding of the district/neighbourhood has changed compared to the previous year. The demarcation is unchanged. In order to be able to link with figures from the previous year, the coding for the previous year needs to be found first. Once the link is successful, the figures can be compared.
3: The demarcation of the district/neighbourhood has changed compared to the previous year. This may have been accompanied by a change in coding. The figures cannot simply be compared with those of the previous year. Differences can, after all, be related to changes in the demarcation of the district or neighbourhood.

For a district or neighbourhood, a change in the demarcation is only detected when a boundary has been moved approximately 5 meters or more. Smaller boundary changes are not considered significant.