Proximity to facilities; distances by car, sub-municipal data 2021

Proximity to facilities; distances by car, sub-municipal data 2021

Districts and neighbourhoods Leisure and culture Distance to library (km)
Netherlands 2.0
Aa en Hunze 2.7
Wijk 00 Annen 0.8
Annen 0.7
Verspreide huizen Annen 2.1
Wijk 01 Eext 3.8
Eext 3.9
Verspreide huizen Eext 3.3
Wijk 02 Anloo 2.4
Anloo 2.4
Verspreide huizen Anloo 2.4
Wijk 03 Gasteren 5.2
Gasteren 5.2
Verspreide huizen Gasteren 4.7
Wijk 04 Anderen 4.4
Anderen 4.4
Verspreide huizen Anderen 3.8
Wijk 05 Schipborg 3.6
Schipborg 3.5
Verspreide huizen Schipborg 4.1
Wijk 06 Eexterveen 7.3
Eexterveen 7.3
Verspreide huizen Eexterveen 7.3
Wijk 07 Spijkerboor 4.4
Spijkerboor 4.4
Verspreide huizen Spijkerboor .
Wijk 08 Nieuw-Annerveen 5.4
Nieuw-Annerveen 5.3
Verspreide huizen Nieuw-Annerveen 6.6
Wijk 09 Oud-Annerveen 5.7
Oud-Annerveen 5.7
Verspreide huizen Oud-Annerveen .
Wijk 11 Annerveenschekanaal 7.1
Annerveenschekanaal 7.1
Verspreide huizen Annerveenschekanaal .
Wijk 12 Eexterveenschekanaal 7.8
Eexterveenschekanaal 7.8
Verspreide huizen Eexterveenschekanaal .
Wijk 13 Eexterzandvoort 4.6
Eexterzandvoort 4.6
Verspreide huizen Eexterzandvoort 4.6
Wijk 14 Gasselte 4.4
Gasselte 4.6
Kostvlies 3.8
Verspreide huizen Gasselte 3.5
Wijk 15 Gasselternijveen 0.7
Gasselternijveen 0.6
Gasselterboerveen 1.9
Verspreide huizen Gasselternijveen .
Wijk 16 Gasselternijveenschemond 3.3
Gasselternijveenschemond 3.2
Gasselterboerveenschemond 4.1
Verspr.h. Gasselternijveenschemond .
Wijk 17 Gieten 1.0
Gieten 1.0
Verspreide huizen Gieten 3.1
Wijk 18 Gieterveen 5.8
Gieterveen 5.5
Bonnerveen 3.4
Nieuwediep 7.6
Verspreide huizen Gieterveen 5.5
Wijk 19 Rolde 1.6
Rolde 1.3
Ballo 1.2
Nijlande 2.7
Deurze 3.0
Verspreide huizen Nooitgedacht 3.0
Verspreide huizen Rolde 3.3
Wijk 20 Grolloo 7.0
Grolloo 6.9
Schoonloo 7.5
Verspreide huizen Papenvoort 6.0
Verspreide huizen Grolloo 7.0
Wijk 21 Ekehaar 5.7
Ekehaar 5.5
Amen 6.9
Verspreide huizen Ekehaar 5.3
Aalsmeer 2.7
Wijk 00 Aalsmeer 1.4
Centrum 0.6
Stommeer 1.4
Hornmeer 2.3
Uiterweg 1.5
Wijk 01 Kudelstraat en Kalslagen 4.6
Kudelstaart 4.6
Wijk 02 Oosteinde 2.5
Bovenlanden 2.4
Greenpark 2.8
Oosteinde 2.4
Schinkelpolder 2.7
Aalten 1.6
Wijk 01 Buitengebied Aalten 3.7
Barlo-Kern 3.7
Verspreide huizen Barlo 3.3
Verspreide huizen Heurne 3.2
Verspreide huizen IJzerlo 4.7
IJzerlo-kern 5.5
Lintelo-kern 4.8
Verspreide huizen ten westen van Aalten 2.7
Verspreide huizen Lintelo 4.7
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information about the average distances for residents of the Netherlands from their home address to the nearest facilities (e.g. school, GP or library). The table also includes information about the number of facilities located within a certain distance from the residential address. These data are calculated as an average over all persons in the area.
The data is available per municipality at district and neighbourhood level, as of 1 January.

Data available for 2021

Changes as of April 2023
Data on the following themes were added:

Health and wellbeing
GP posts

Traffic and transport
Train stations (all types)
Important transfer stations

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

When will new numbers be released?
No new figures are expected for this table for the time being.

Description topics

Leisure and culture
Distance to library
The average distance of all residents in an area to the nearest library, calculated by road. This includes libraries branches and service points. The mini-service points, self-service libraries and the library buses are not included.

A library branch meets the following criteria: open for at least 15 hours a week, digital access to the entire collection and range of activities, demand mediation, cultural/literary activities, offer for students/institutions in line with the choices made in the distribution and marketing policy and study opportunities.

A library service point offers at least the following service level: is open for at least 4 hours a week, offers digital access to the entire range of activities and provides intermediary services (both in person and via the internet).