Investments by enterprises in the industry; expectation and realization

Investments by enterprises in the industry; expectation and realization

SIC 2008 Periods Investments; expected growth (%) Investments; realized growth (%)
B Delfstoffenwinning 2024* -3 .
B-E Nijverheid (geen bouw) en energie 2024* 31 .
B-F Nijverheid en energie 2024* 23 .
06+09 Olie- en gaswinning 2024* . .
06 Winning van aardolie en aardgas 2024* -39 .
08 Delfstoffenwinning (geen olie en gas) 2024* 27 .
09 Dienstverlening delfstoffenwinning 2024* 86 .
C Industrie 2024* 30 .
10 Voedingsmiddelenindustrie 2024* 19 .
10-12 Voedings-, genotmiddelenindustrie 2024* 19 .
11 Drankenindustrie 2024* . .
12 Tabaksindustrie 2024* . .
13 Textielindustrie 2024* 54 .
13-15 Textiel-, kleding-, lederindustrie 2024* 29 .
14 Kledingindustrie 2024* -9 .
15 Leer- en schoenenindustrie 2024* -40 .
16 Houtindustrie 2024* -24 .
16+23 Hout- en bouwmaterialenindustrie 2024* -23 .
16-18 Hout-, papier-, grafische industr. 2024* . .
17 Papierindustrie 2024* -26 .
17-18 Papier- en grafische industrie 2024* -23 .
18 Grafische industrie 2024* -15 .
19 Aardolie-industrie 2024* 43 .
19-22 Raffinaderijen en chemie 2024* 48 .
20 Chemische industrie 2024* 43 .
21 Farmaceutische industrie 2024* 121 .
22, 31-32 Overige industrie 2024* . .
22-23 Kunststof- en bouwmateriaalindustr 2024* . .
22 Rubber- en kunststofproductindustrie 2024* -3 .
23 Bouwmaterialenindustrie 2024* -23 .
24 Basismetaalindustrie 2024* 43 .
24-25 Basismetaal, metaalprod.-industrie 2024* 12 .
24-30, 33 Metalektro 2024* 35 .
25 Metaalproductenindustrie 2024* -13 .
26 Elektrotechnische industrie 2024* -9 .
26-28 Elektrotechn. en machine-industrie 2024* 60 .
27 Elektrische apparatenindustrie 2024* -13 .
28 Machine-industrie 2024* 83 .
29 Auto- en aanhangwagenindustrie 2024* 21 .
29-30 Transportmiddelenindustrie 2024* 26 .
30 Overige transportmiddelenindustrie 2024* 34 .
31 Meubelindustrie 2024* 5 .
31-33 Overige industrie en reparatie 2024* 11 .
32 Overige industrie 2024* 34 .
33 Reparatie en installatie van machines 2024* 0 .
D Energievoorziening 2024* 34 .
35 Energiebedrijven 2024* 34 .
E Waterbedrijven en afvalbeheer 2024* 32 .
36 Waterleidingbedrijven 2024* 21 .
37 Afvalwaterinzameling en -behandeling 2024* -11 .
38 Afvalbehandeling en recycling 2024* 46 .
39 Sanering en overig afvalbeheer 2024* -65 .
F Bouwnijverheid 2024* -32 .
41 Algemene bouw en projectontwikkeling 2024* 0 .
42 Grond-, water- en wegenbouw 2024* -58 .
43 Gespecialiseerde bouw 2024* -29 .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

This table covers the investment expectations and realisations of enterprises in the Dutch manufacturing industry. Every February Statistics Netherlands asks enterprises in this sector about their investment expectations for the current calendar year and the realisations for the previous year. This table is compiled with cofinancing of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.

Data available from: 2013
The data collected for publication in May 2020 is partial (approximately three quarters) from before March 12.
March 12 is the turning point for the measures for the COVID-19 pandemic. In view of the impact of this, the data from before 12 March have been corrected, based on additional requests and the response after 12 March.

Status of the figures:
All figures for the expectations for 2013 to 2024 are final. The figures for achievements from 2013 to 2022 are final and those for 2023 are provisional.

Changes as of June 5, 2024:
The dates for the realization of 2022 have been adjusted to more definitive, the provisional dates of the realization of 2023 and the expectations for 2024 have been added.
The SBI codes 06 to 09 and B, D, E and F with underlying codes have been added.

When will new figures be published?
The expected investment data of year T have the following publication timetable:
• In the middle of year T:
Expected investments for T (definitive)
Realised investments for T minus 1 (preliminary)
Realised investments for T minus 2 (definitive)
• At the end of year T:
Realised investments for T minus 1 (preliminary)

Description topics

Investments; expected growth
The investment expectations are based on the expenditure that companies expect to incur for the purchase of tangible fixed assets.
Both the expected and the realized growth in investments are expressed as a percentage change compared to the same period of the previous year.
The data is based on the investment survey of the chosen year
Investments; realized growth
The realized investments are based on the expenditure incurred by companies for the purchase of tangible fixed assets.
Both the expected and the realized growth in investments are expressed as a percentage change compared to the same period of the previous year.
The data is based on the investment survey of the chosen year.