Employer business demography, European standard, size class, SIC2008

Employer business demography, European standard, size class, SIC2008

SIC 2008 Persons employed Periods Employer enterprises Total (number) Newly born employer enterprise survivals 1 year survival (number) Newly born employer enterprise survivals 2 year survival (number) Newly born employer enterprise survivals 3 year survival (number) Newly born employer enterprise survivals 4 year survival (number) Newly born employer enterprise survivals 5 year survival (number) Employer enterprise population Persons employed (number) Employer enterprise population Employees (number) Newly born employer enterprises Persons employed (number) Newly born employer enterprises Employees (number) Non-surviving employer enterprises Persons employed (number) Non-surviving employer enterprises Employees (number) Persons employed in employer enterprises surviving 1 year (number) Persons employed in employer enterprises surviving 2 years (number) Persons employed in employer enterprises surviving 3 years (number) Persons employed in employer enterprises surviving 4 years (number) Persons employed in employer enterprises surviving 5 years (number) Persons employed in birth year of employer enterprise surviving 1 year (number) Persons employed in birth year of employer enterprise surviving 2 year (number) Persons employed in birth year of employer enterprise surviving 3 year (number) Persons employed in birth year of employer enterprise surviving 4 year (number) Persons employed in birth year of employer enterprise surviving 5 year (number)
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2010 293,759 24,787 20,786 15,901 . . 6,991,625 6,704,969 195,949 176,545 212,757 189,257 458,763 484,579 494,700 . . 212,909 243,411 251,565 . .
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2011 294,548 21,041 20,734 17,976 14,042 . 7,044,966 6,759,954 191,992 170,909 234,971 210,673 257,254 448,579 469,699 476,117 . 174,590 194,748 226,839 236,635 .
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2012 291,970 23,293 17,377 17,743 15,820 12,496 6,998,106 6,718,822 141,701 122,369 185,059 161,092 301,326 233,045 431,547 435,696 457,252 172,943 155,606 177,629 212,655 223,657
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2013 287,833 21,879 19,289 14,779 15,460 14,084 6,924,362 6,649,280 155,310 137,757 176,800 154,271 194,107 284,632 217,757 400,485 418,207 127,210 156,359 138,389 165,278 197,520
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2014 285,283 20,516 18,096 16,453 12,887 13,739 6,869,551 6,599,274 141,577 122,879 159,918 138,689 203,408 184,397 271,293 205,248 386,849 140,148 111,540 144,758 127,848 152,875
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2015 283,412 20,370 16,990 15,482 14,496 11,455 6,881,896 6,613,563 156,917 137,237 150,102 131,100 195,331 194,858 177,462 260,652 195,480 127,257 124,378 101,498 133,105 120,202
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2016 294,673 20,748 17,141 14,809 13,748 13,094 7,079,461 6,803,121 199,278 173,089 226,322 207,037 223,986 193,170 196,800 176,001 256,443 146,401 111,691 110,057 90,288 125,480
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2017 299,816 28,481 17,549 14,986 13,144 12,396 7,281,052 7,005,219 166,516 143,024 158,613 136,478 317,159 221,691 194,256 187,977 175,597 184,370 135,081 100,068 98,200 82,907
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2018 303,851 25,100 23,870 15,332 13,306 11,877 7,453,391 7,175,073 113,935 91,845 163,208 139,728 236,873 309,393 220,929 194,567 188,440 149,958 170,970 123,394 92,718 91,277
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2019 313,390 23,433 21,060 20,886 13,571 11,991 7,603,502 7,326,107 145,358 122,982 152,663 128,243 164,583 224,395 300,301 216,939 192,805 102,930 135,105 161,772 114,204 87,202
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2020 311,095 28,548 19,443 18,123 18,340 12,178 7,447,628 7,177,338 97,493 79,044 . . 190,363 161,386 202,421 265,427 206,782 132,550 90,554 115,368 153,535 108,762
B to S excluding 64.2 Total 2021* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2020 . . . . . . . . . . 74,786 54,849 . . . . . . . . . .
B-S excluding O and excluding S94 Total 2021* 319,786 21,337 22,433 16,379 15,395 15,726 7,138,549 7,082,754 75,468 71,209 66,160 61,161 134,587 173,484 146,978 172,073 245,876 83,480 109,067 75,595 87,932 138,792
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table includes information on business demography according to the European standard. Figures in this table are also submitted in this form to Eurostat. Information concerns the population of active employers, employer births and deaths, broken down by legal form and by the National Classification of Economic Activity 2008 (NCEA 2008, based on NACE Rev 2.0). Data also includes persons employed and employees in these enterprises.

Data available from: 2010

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final for 2010 to 2020. The figures for 2021 are provisional.
Only the data on Dissolved companies for 2021 will be adjusted.

Changes as of February 9, 2024:
The provisional figures for 2021 have been added.

Two industry breakdowns have been added:
• B-S excluding O and excluding S94
• G-S excluding O and excluding S94
• K Financial institutions

When will new figures be released?
Figures on a new reporting year (T – 2) will be published in July of the current year T.

Description topics

Employer enterprises
Enterprises with employees. An enterprise is the actual transactor in the production process characterised by independence of decisions regarding that process and by offering its products to third parties. An enterprise is defined as an employer when in one year at least 0.5 FTE of labour force are on the payroll, excluding the director.

It follows from this definition and in particular from the independence element that an enterprise can comprise more than one establishment, but also more than one legal unit. (Legal units include both natural and legal persons). This is the case when the individual establishments or legal units do not operate independently. Conversely, it is possible to distinguish between different parts within a legal unit that operate independently in terms of production. These then constitute as many enterprises as defined. The latter is especially the case for larger groups with diverse activities.
activities. When a unit thus defined extends over several countries, the Dutch part is regarded as a whole company for the sake of national statistics.

In official CBS terminology the enterprise as defined here is called the enterprise unit (BE), so that there is no confusion with the term enterprise used in common parlance, which is not very precise in this respect.

The statistical unit enterprise is an operationalisation of the kind-of-activity unit, as defined by Eurostat. This definition combines two requirements that may conflict: contributing to one activity versus corresponding to one or more operational units. The Netherlands gives priority to the second requirement when operationalising to the statistical unit enterprise.
Newly born employer enterprise survivals
1 year survival
Employer enterprise births that took place in the year preceding the reporting year of enterprises and are still active.
2 year survival
Employer enterprise births that took place two years prior to the reporting year of enterprises and are still active.
3 year survival
Employer enterprise births that took place three years prior to the reporting year of enterprises and are still active.
4 year survival
Employer enterprise births that took place four years prior to the reporting year of enterprises and are still active.
5 year survival
Employer enterprise births that took place five years prior to the reporting year of enterprises and are still active.
Employer enterprise population
Persons employed
The number of persons employed consists of:
- employees and directors who are on the payroll;
- employees who are on the payroll of another enterprise or institution, but work in the enterprise's own place of business and as such are in fact part of the workforce (agency staff);
- employed proprietors, partners, associates and cooperating family members;
- agency staff. Loaned personnel (employees on the payroll, but working for another enterprise or institution) are not included under persons employed.
The number of employees is determined on the basis of the employees on the payroll excluding director-major shareholders. The number of employees per company is calculated from wage tax data from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
Newly born employer enterprises
Persons employed
The number of persons employed consists of:
- employees and directors who are on the payroll;
- employees who are on the payroll of another enterprise or institution, but work in the enterprise's own place of business and as such are in fact part of the workforce (agency staff);
- employed proprietors, partners, associates and cooperating family members;
- agency staff. Loaned personnel (employees on the payroll, but working for another enterprise or institution) are not included under persons employed.
The number of employees is determined on the basis of the employees on the payroll excluding director-major shareholders. The number of employees per company is calculated from wage tax data from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
Non-surviving employer enterprises
Persons employed
The number of persons employed consists of:
- employees and directors who are on the payroll;
- employees who are on the payroll of another enterprise or institution, but work in the enterprise's own place of business and as such are in fact part of the workforce (agency staff);
- employed proprietors, partners, associates and cooperating family members;
- agency staff. Loaned personnel (employees on the payroll, but working for another enterprise or institution) are not included under persons employed.
The number of employees is determined on the basis of the employees on the payroll excluding director-major shareholders. The number of employees per company is calculated from wage tax data from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
Persons employed
in employer enterprises surviving
The number of persons employed consists of:
- employees and directors who are on the payroll;
- employees who are on the payroll of another enterprise or institution, but work in the enterprise's own place of business and as such are in fact part of the workforce (agency staff);
- employed proprietors, partners, associates and cooperating family members;
- agency staff. Loaned personnel (employees on the payroll, but working for another enterprise or institution) are not included under persons employed.
This concerns persons employed in surviving employer enterprises in the current reporting year.
1 year
The number of persons employed in the current reporting year of surviving employer enterprises which were born in the year preceding the reporting year.
2 years
The number of persons employed in the current reporting year of surviving employer enterprises which were born two years prior to the reporting year.
3 years
The number of persons employed in the current reporting year of surviving employer enterprises which were born three years prior to the reporting year.
4 years
The number of persons employed in the current reporting year of surviving employer enterprises which were born four years prior to the reporting year.
5 years
The number of persons employed in the current reporting year of surviving employer enterprises which were born five years prior to the reporting year.
in birth year of employer enterprise
The number of persons employed consists of:
- employees and directors who are on the payroll;
- employees who are on the payroll of another enterprise or institution, but work in the enterprise's own place of business and as such are in fact part of the workforce (agency staff);
- employed proprietors, partners, associates and cooperating family members;
- agency staff. Loaned personnel (employees on the payroll, but working for another enterprise or institution) are not included under persons employed.
This concerns persons employed in surviving employer enterprises' birth year.
surviving 1 year
The number of persons employed in the year of birth of surviving employer enterprises which were born in the year preceding the reporting year.
surviving 2 year
The number of persons employed in the year of birth of surviving employer enterprises which were born two years prior to the reporting year.
surviving 3 year
The number of persons employed in the year of birth of surviving employer enterprises which were born three years prior to the reporting year.
surviving 4 year
Tthe number of persons employed in the year of birth of surviving employer enterprises which were born four years prior to the reporting year.
surviving 5 year
The number of persons employed in the year of birth of surviving employer enterprises which were born five years prior to the reporting year.