Caribbean Netherlands, Saba; ferry passengers

Caribbean Netherlands, Saba; ferry passengers

Periods Ferry passengers (number)
2014 6,800
2015 6,800
2016 7,700
2017 7,000
2018 5,400
2019 8,100
2020 2,000
2021* 1,700
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains the number of passengers (excluding crew members) arriving by ferry on Saba. The figures published here are entirely based on available registers, i.e. the accuracy of these figures depends on the quality of the registers and Statistics Netherlands has conducted numerous plausibility checks on these registers, for example by establishing mutual links among these registers.

Data available from: 2014

Status of the figures:
The figures over 2014 to 2020 are final. The figures for 2021 are provisional.

Changes as of March 2022:
None, this is a new table.

When will new figures be published?
The new figures will be published within three months after expiration of the period available.

Description topics

Ferry passengers
Ferry passengers:
Ferry passengers are persons (resident or not resident) who move between two or more ports on a ferry. Ferry passengers travel for different reasons inside or outside their usual environment. A share of these are visitors.

A ferry is a vessel used on a commercial basis for transporting passengers and/or vehicles over the water along a route with fixed stopping points at which passengers may embark or disembark. Irregular charter services are excluded.