Avoided use of fossil energy and emission of CO2

Avoided use of fossil energy and emission of CO2

Energy sources/techniques Energy application Periods Avoided use of fossil energy Avoided energy (TJ) Avoided carbon dioxide emission (CO2) Avoided emission (kton)
Total energy sources Total energy applications 2022** 467,318 30,869
Total energy sources Total energy applications 2023* 530,942 34,440
Hydro power Total energy applications 2022** 705 45
Hydro power Total energy applications 2023* 687 44
Wind energy, total Total energy applications 2022** 173,983 11,024
Wind energy, total Total energy applications 2023* 217,542 13,783
Wind energy on shore Total energy applications 2022** 105,714 6,698
Wind energy on shore Total energy applications 2023* 128,182 8,122
Wind energy off shore Total energy applications 2022** 68,270 4,326
Wind energy off shore Total energy applications 2023* 89,360 5,662
Solar energy Total energy applications 2022** 140,370 8,885
Solar energy Total energy applications 2023* 164,113 10,389
Solar photovoltaic Total energy applications 2022** 139,113 8,814
Solar photovoltaic Total energy applications 2023* 162,847 10,318
Solar thermal Total energy applications 2022** 1,258 71
Solar thermal Total energy applications 2023* 1,266 72
Total geothermal energy Total energy applications 2022** 12,143 658
Total geothermal energy Total energy applications 2023* 12,305 665
Deep geothermal heat Total energy applications 2022** 6,785 378
Deep geothermal heat Total energy applications 2023* 6,520 363
Total shallow geothermal energy Total energy applications 2022** 5,358 280
Total shallow geothermal energy Total energy applications 2023* 5,784 301
Shallow geothermal heat, total Total energy applications 2022** 4,055 198
Shallow geothermal heat, total Total energy applications 2023* 4,481 219
Shallow geothermal heat, heat pumps Total energy applications 2022** 3,865 187
Shallow geothermal heat, heat pumps Total energy applications 2023* 4,291 208
Shal geothermal heat, without heat pumps Total energy applications 2022** 190 11
Shal geothermal heat, without heat pumps Total energy applications 2023* 190 11
Shallow geothermal cold Total energy applications 2022** 1,304 83
Shallow geothermal cold Total energy applications 2023* 1,304 83
Aerothermal heat, total Total energy applications 2022** 4,345 105
Aerothermal heat, total Total energy applications 2023* 5,730 138
Total biomass Total energy applications 2022** 135,771 10,152
Total biomass Total energy applications 2023* 130,565 9,421
Municipal waste; renewable fraction Total energy applications 2022** 23,743 1,439
Municipal waste; renewable fraction Total energy applications 2023* 22,107 1,339
Co-firing of biomass in electr. plants Total energy applications 2022** 46,029 4,359
Co-firing of biomass in electr. plants Total energy applications 2023* 31,967 3,027
Total biomass households Total energy applications 2022** 11,507 650
Total biomass households Total energy applications 2023* 11,600 655
Biomass households, open fireplaces Total energy applications 2022** 187 11
Biomass households, open fireplaces Total energy applications 2023* 180 10
Biomass households, inserts Total energy applications 2022** 1,644 93
Biomass households, inserts Total energy applications 2023* 1,658 94
Biomass households, wood stoves Total energy applications 2022** 7,723 436
Biomass households, wood stoves Total energy applications 2023* 7,698 435
Biomass households, pellet stoves Total energy applications 2022** 1,953 110
Biomass households, pellet stoves Total energy applications 2023* 2,064 117
Biomass households, charcoal use Total energy applications 2022**
Biomass households, charcoal use Total energy applications 2023*
Biomass boilers companies, total Total energy applications 2022** 19,306 1,099
Biomass boilers companies, total Total energy applications 2023* 25,663 1,499
Biomass boilers companies, CHP Total energy applications 2022** 5,072 295
Biomass boilers companies, CHP Total energy applications 2023* 13,905 834
Biomass boilers companies, heat only Total energy applications 2022** 14,234 804
Biomass boilers companies, heat only Total energy applications 2023* 11,758 664
Total biogas Total energy applications 2022** 9,506 594
Total biogas Total energy applications 2023* 11,071 683
Biogas from landfills Total energy applications 2022** 367 23
Biogas from landfills Total energy applications 2023* 367 22
Biogas from sewage water purification Total energy applications 2022** 1,911 120
Biogas from sewage water purification Total energy applications 2023* 1,911 119
Biogas, co-digestion of manure Total energy applications 2022** 3,860 243
Biogas, co-digestion of manure Total energy applications 2023* 4,824 298
Other biogas Total energy applications 2022** 3,369 209
Other biogas Total energy applications 2023* 3,969 244
Liquid biofuels for transport, total Total energy applications 2022** 25,679 2,011
Liquid biofuels for transport, total Total energy applications 2023* 28,157 2,218
Biogasoline Total energy applications 2022** 10,512 759
Biogasoline Total energy applications 2023* 10,781 794
Biodiesel Total energy applications 2022** 15,167 1,252
Biodiesel Total energy applications 2023* 14,730 1,196
Biokerosene Total energy applications 2022** . .
Biokerosene Total energy applications 2023* 2,646 229
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

The use of renewable energy avoids the use of fossil energy and as a consequence avoids emission of CO2. Renewable energy is energy from wind, hydro power, the sun, the earth, heat from outdoor air and biomass. This is energy from natural processes that is replenished constantly.

Figures are presented in an absolute way, as well as related to the total emission of carbon dioxide in the Netherlands.

Avoiding the use of fossil energy and avoiding emission of carbon dioxide are important underlying aims for stimulation of the use of renewable energy.

The figures are broken down into energy source/technique and into application (electricity, heat and transport).

From reporting year 2021, new sustainability criteria for solid and gaseous biomass will apply in the context of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (2018). Only solid and gaseous biomass compliant according to these criteria are used to determine the avoided use of fossil energy and emission of CO2 in 2021.
An exception applies to the biogas used for bio-methane production. The current methodology doesn’t discern sustainable from non-sustainable biogas used for bio-methane production. This differs from the methodology used for gross final energy consumption that is the basis of most statistics on renewable energy.

Data available from:

Status of the figures:
This table contains definite figures up to and including 2021, revised provisional figures for 2022 and provisional figures for 2023.

Changes as of August 16th 2024
Figures have been added for 2023.

Since 2022, final energy consumption of bio jet kerosene is reported in the Netherlands. This bio jet kerosene is used by the (international) aviation sector, which is not included in the primary energy consumption. However, because international air traffic is considered in the calculation of the gross final energy consumption, which forms the basis for calculating the avoided energy consumption, bio jet kerosene has been added to this table. The figures on bio jet kerosene for 2022 will be included in the next update of this reporting year.

Due to the addition of bio-kerosene to this table, the calculation of the denominators has also been adjusted. The consumption and emissions of international air traffic are included in the denominators for the figures starting from 2023, in order to calculate the relative figures in the table, as is the case for the denominator of gross final consumption.

When will new figures be published?
Provisional figures: June of the following year.
Revised provisional figures: December of the following year.
Definite figures: December of the second following year.

Description topics

Avoided use of fossil energy
The avoided use of fossil primary energy is the amount of fossil (and nuclear) energy that would have been used if renewable energy was not used.
The avoided use of fossil primary energy is the sum of:
1. The avoided use of fossil primary energy by the domestic production of electricity, heat and gas from renewable sources.
2. The avoided use of fossil energy by the biofuels for road transport sold on the domestic market.
Imports and exports of green electricity is not included.
Avoided energy
In this table, the unit TeraJoule (TJ) is used. This equals 1,000,000,000,000 joules (10 to the power of 12). A joule is a unit of energy equivalent to 0.24 calories. A TJ is equivalent to 31 600 cubic meters of natural gas or 278 000 kilowatt-hours of electricity.
Avoided carbon dioxide emission (CO2)
The amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted if no use is made of renewable energy technology. The amount of carbon dioxide is calculated in accordance with the methodology of the Protocol Monitoring Renewable Energy (AgentschapNL, 2010). It covers domestic production of renewable electricity, heat and gas. Imports of green electricity is not included.
This methodology only considers the avoided emission by the use of the renewable energy at the final stage: production of renewable electricity, heat and gas. The earlier stages are not included. For biofuels for road transport greenhouse gas emissions of the earlier stages may be substantial. Therefore, for these biofuels no avoided CO2 emissions are published.
Avoided emission
1 kton = 1,000 ton = 1 million kg.