Jobs of employees; international ultimate control trade in goods, 2010-2016

Jobs of employees; international ultimate control trade in goods, 2010-2016

Country of Ultimate controlling instance Characteristics of companies Education: level of education Characteristics of jobs and employees Periods Employee jobs (x 1,000) Labour volume (x 1,000)
Total domestic and foreign Total Jobs Total Total 2016 7,909 5,913
Total domestic and foreign No international trade Total Total 2016 3,419 2,337
Total domestic and foreign Import Total Total 2016 1,902 1,433
Total domestic and foreign Export Total Total 2016 165 126
Total domestic and foreign Import and export Total Total 2016 2,423 2,016
Domestic Total Jobs Total Total 2016 1,383 1,028
Domestic No international trade Total Total 2016 233 162
Domestic Import Total Total 2016 331 234
Domestic Export Total Total 2016 37 26
Domestic Import and export Total Total 2016 782 606
Foreign Total Jobs Total Total 2016 1,034 871
Foreign No international trade Total Total 2016 101 77
Foreign Import Total Total 2016 226 182
Foreign Export Total Total 2016 12 11
Foreign Import and export Total Total 2016 695 601
Unknown Total Jobs Total Total 2016 5,493 4,015
Unknown No international trade Total Total 2016 3,085 2,098
Unknown Import Total Total 2016 1,345 1,018
Unknown Export Total Total 2016 116 89
Unknown Import and export Total Total 2016 946 809
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on employee jobs in the Netherlands. The number of jobs is broken down by various background characteristics of the employees and the companies that employ them. Main company characteristics are the locus of control (UCI; domestic or foreign) and international goods trade (import and/or export). Employee characteristics are amongst others education level and nationality. Nationality is decomposed into the top five of most frequent nationalities amongst companies with a foreign controlling unit. The education level is decomposed for all selections, excluding foreign nationalities, with at least one thousand direct observations.

Data available from: 2010.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

Opmerkingen: Changes as of 18 December 2019:
None, the table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable. This table has been replaced, see paragraph 3 for a link to the new table.

Description topics

Employee jobs
A job is an explicit or implicit employment contract between a person and an economic unit, specifying that labour will be carried out in return for remuneration (financial or otherwise). An employed person may have more than one job at a time. In that case the person has a main job and a secondary job. Each job counts separately. For the calculation of the average number of jobs in a certain period the starting date and end date of a job is taking into account. The weekly working hours are left out of account. Two successive jobs both with a 6-month working period will always count as one job in the average number of jobs, regardless of whether these jobs are full-time or part-time.
Labour volume
The volume of labour input in the production process, in terms of hours worked or full-time equivalents. Part-time jobs are counted proportionally (excluding overtime, after deduction of the reduction in working hours).

Calculation of the average labour volume for a certain period is based on the starting date and end date of a job and the weekly working hours. Two successive jobs both with a 6-month working period will count as 1 working year in the yearly average labour volume if both jobs are full-time. If they are part-time jobs they will count for less than a year.