Consumer confidence, economic climate and willingness to buy: non adjusted
Explanation of symbols
Table explanation
This table contains the figures on opinions and expectations of Dutch consumers on general economic developments and their own financial situation. The indicators of consumer confidence, economic climate and willingness are based on these opinions and expectations. The consumer survey is partially financed by the European Commission.
Data available from:
January 2017.
Status of the figures:
Figures are final.
Changes as of 23 January 2025.
The figures of January 2025 are added.
When will new figures be published?
New monthly figures will be published on 20 February 2025.
Description topics
- Consumer confidence
- Consumer confidence indicator
The consumer confidence indicator is the average of the balances of positive and negative answering options, measured as percentage points of the total answers to the questions on the economic situation of the last and upcoming 12 months, the financial situation of the last and upcoming 12 months and whether now is the right time to make large purchases.
The indicator has a range between minus 100 (every balance is negative) and plus 100 (every balance is positive). If the indicator has a value of zero, the shares of optimists and pessimists are equal. - Economic climate
- Consumer confidence indicator
The consumer confidence indicator is the average of the balances of positive and negative answering options, measured as percentage points of the total answers to the questions on the economic situation of the last and upcoming 12 months.
The indicator has a range between minus 100 (every balance is negative) and plus 100 (every balance is positive). If the indicator has a value of zero, the shares of optimists and pessimists are equal. - Willingness to buy
- Willingness to buy indicator
The willingness to buy indicator is the average of the balances of positive and negative answering options, measured as percentage points of the total answers to the questions on the financial situation of the last and upcoming 12 months and whether now is the right time to make large purchases.
The indicator has a range between minus 100 (every balance is negative) and plus 100 (every balance is positive). If the indicator has a value of zero, the shares of optimists and pessimists are equal. - Economic situation last 12 months
- The balance of positive and negative answering options, measured as percentage points of the total answers to the question: How do you think the general economic situation in the country has changed over the past 12 months?
The balance is not adjusted for seasonal effects and statistical noise. The indicator has a range between minus 100 (every answer is negative) and plus 100 (every answer is positive). If the indicator has a value of zero, the shares of optimists and pessimists is equal. - Economic situation next 12 months
- The balance of positive and negative answering options, measured as percentage points of the total answers to the question: How do you expect the general economic situation in this country to develop over the next 12 months?
The balance is not adjusted for seasonal effects and statistical noise. The indicator has a range between minus 100 (every answer is negative) and plus 100 (every answer is positive). If the indicator has a value of zero, the shares of optimists and pessimists is equal. - Financial situation last 12 months
- The balance of positive and negative answering options, measured as percentage points of the total answers to the question: How has the financial situation of your household changed over the last 12 months?
The balance is not adjusted for seasonal effects and statistical noise. The indicator has a range between minus 100 (every answer is negative) and plus 100 (every answer is positive). If the indicator has a value of zero, the shares of optimists and pessimists is equal. - Financial situation next 12 months
- The balance of positive and negative answering options, measured as percentage points of the total answers to the question: How do you expect the financial position of your household to change over the next 12 months?
The balance is not adjusted for seasonal effects and statistical noise. The indicator has a range between minus 100 (every answer is negative) and plus 100 (every answer is positive). If the indicator has a value of zero, the shares of optimists and pessimists is equal. - Right time to make large purchases
- The balance of positive and negative answering options, measured as percentage points of the total answers to the question: In view of the general economic situation, do you think that now it is the right moment for people to make major purchases such as furniture, electrical/electronic devices, etc.? The balance is not adjusted for seasonal effects and statistical noise. The indicator has a range between minus 100 (every answer is negative) and plus 100 (every answer is positive). If the indicator has a value of zero, the shares of optimists and pessimists is equal.
- Consumers attitudes and expectations
- Consumers attitudes and expectations towards various aspects of the general economic situation and the personal financial situation.
- Prices next 12 months
- Distribution of answers in percentages to the question: how do you expect that consumer prices will develop in the next 12 months?
- Total
- Increase more rapidly
- Increase at the same rate
- Increase at a slower rate
- Stay about the same
- Fall
- Do not know
- Unemployment next 12 months
- Distribution of answers in percentages to the question: How do you expect the number of people unemployed in this country to change over the next 12 months?
- Total
- Increase sharply
- Increase slightly
- Remain the same
- Fall slightly
- Fall sharply
- Do not know