Extraction, import and export of materials; national accounts

Extraction, import and export of materials; national accounts

Periods Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crops (excl. fodder crops) Total crops (excl. fodder crops) (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crops (excl. fodder crops) Cereals (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crops (excl. fodder crops) Roots and tubers (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crops (excl. fodder crops) Sugar crops (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crops (excl. fodder crops) Pulses (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crops (excl. fodder crops) Oil-bearing crops (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crops (excl. fodder crops) Vegetables (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crops (excl. fodder crops) Fruit (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crops (excl. fodder crops) Fibres (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crops (excl. fodder crops) Other crops n.e.c. (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crop residues and fodder crops Total crop residues and fodder crops (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crop residues and fodder crops Crop residues (mln kg) Material flows in physical amounts Extraction by type of material Biomass Crop residues and fodder crops Fodder crops and grass (mln kg)
2021* 25,251 1,193 6,676 6,556 100 6 7,231 671 25 2,794 14,688 1,300 13,388
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information about materials that enter or leave the Dutch economy through import, export and extraction. Materials include raw products (resources), semi-finished products and finished products. The import and export of materials is recorded both in kilos (physically) and in euros (monetary). The currently presented tables can be referred to as the material flow accounts.

This table is part of the environmental accounts. Data in the environmental accounts are compiled according the concepts and definitions of the national accounts, which makes it possible to quantify the environmental effects of the economic activities for the Netherlands in a consistent manner. As a result, the figures may differ from data presented elsewhere on the website.

Data available from: 1996

Status of the figures:
Provisional figures.

Changes as of 17 August 2023:
A correction has been made to the international trade of fossil fuels for the period 1996-2004. This series had been incompletely updated, causing some past years not to reflect the most recent figures.

Changes as of 1 August 2023:
Provisional figures for 2021 have been added. Data for previous years are adjusted according to the revision policy (see: Status of the figures).

When will new figures be published?
New provisional figures are published annually, usually around August

Description topics

Material flows in physical amounts
Extraction by type of material
Materials that are extracted from the environment and used by residents as input for the production process. Extraction comprises not only the mining and quarrying of minerals but also harvest of agricultural goods and the catch of non-cultivated fish.
Organic matter.
Crops (excl. fodder crops)
Crops meant for human consumption like, for example, cereals, vegetables and fruit. Also included are flowers and forestry products. Imported and exported crops also include products made from crops like bread, frozen vegetables and cigarettes.
Total crops (excl. fodder crops)
Crops meant for human consumption like, for example, cereals, vegetables and fruit. Also included are flowers and forestry products. Imported and exported crops also include products made from crops like bread, frozen vegetables and cigarettes.
Mainly wheat, corn and barley.
Roots and tubers
Mainly potatoes.
Sugar crops
Mainly sugar beets.
Pulses with edible seeds like peas.
Oil-bearing crops
Mainly oil bearing seeds like caraway seed.
Fresh vegetables like tomatoes and unions.
Fresh fruit like apples and pears.
Mainly flax.
Other crops n.e.c.
Mainly plant, flowers and flower bulbs.
Crop residues and fodder crops
Crops meant for animal consumption like, for example, mangold, green maize and grass.
Total crop residues and fodder crops
Crops meant for animal consumption like, for example, straw, mangold, green maize and grass.
Crop residues
Residues of crops, like straw, that used within the economy.
Fodder crops and grass
Crops meant for animal consumption like, for example, straw, mangold, green maize and grass.