Labour participation; position in the household, 2003-2021

Labour participation; position in the household, 2003-2021

Sex Age Position in household Periods Labour force and not in the labour force (x 1 000) Labour force Labour force (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Employed labour force (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Professional status Employee Employee (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Professional status Employee Permanent employee (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Professional status Employee Flexible employee (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Professional status Self-employed person Self-employed person (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Professional status Self-employed person Self-employed without employees (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Professional status Self-employed person Self-employed with employees (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Professional status Self-employed person Contributing family worker (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Professional status Professional status is unknown (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Working hours Part-time Part-time (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Working hours Part-time Less than 20 working hours a week Less than 20 working hours a week (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Working hours Part-time Less than 20 working hours a week Less than 12 working hours a week (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Working hours Part-time Less than 20 working hours a week 12 to 19 working hours a week (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Working hours Part-time 20 to 34 working hours a week 20 to 34 working hours a week (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Working hours Part-time 20 to 34 working hours a week 20 to 27 working hours a week (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Working hours Part-time 20 to 34 working hours a week 28 to 34 working hours a week (x 1 000) Labour force Employed labour force Working hours Full-time (x 1 000) Labour force Unemployed labour force (x 1 000) Labour force Unemployment rate (%) Not in the labour force (x 1 000) Gross labour participation rate (%) Net labour participation rate (%)
Total male and female 15 to 74 years Total persons 2021 2nd quarter 13,113 9,338 9,032 7,481 5,777 1,705 1,550 1,178 347 25 0 4,501 1,634 988 646 2,867 1,240 1,627 4,531 306 3.3 3,775 71.2 68.9
Total male and female 15 to 74 years Single person 2021 2nd quarter 2,347 1,463 1,386 1,139 877 262 246 209 35 2 0 584 192 116 76 392 137 255 801 78 5.3 884 62.3 59.0
Total male and female 15 to 74 years Parent in single-parent household 2021 2nd quarter 488 374 363 304 262 42 59 47 12 0 0 220 33 12 21 186 68 119 143 11 3.0 114 76.7 74.4
Total male and female 15 to 74 years Partner in couple with child(ren) 2021 2nd quarter 4,108 3,617 3,571 2,872 2,577 294 700 485 199 16 0 1,645 350 128 222 1,294 611 683 1,927 46 1.3 490 88.1 86.9
Total male and female 15 to 74 years Partner in couple without child(ren) 2021 2nd quarter 3,883 2,269 2,225 1,791 1,483 308 434 340 90 5 0 1,005 319 179 140 685 273 412 1,220 44 1.9 1,614 58.4 57.3
Total male and female 15 to 74 years Adult child 2021 2nd quarter 1,367 1,024 955 891 399 492 64 59 3 1 0 649 429 298 131 220 109 111 306 69 6.7 343 74.9 69.9
Total male and female 15 to 74 years Minor child 2021 2nd quarter 586 329 282 271 46 225 11 10 0 1 0 278 260 223 37 17 9 8 5 47 14.3 256 56.3 48.2
Total male and female 15 to 74 years Other household member 2021 2nd quarter 335 261 249 213 132 81 36 28 8 0 0 121 50 33 17 71 32 39 128 12 4.4 74 77.9 74.4
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains quarterly and yearly figures on labour participation by position in the household in the Netherlands. The population of 15 to 74 years of age (excluding the institutionalized population) is divided into the employed labour force, the unemployed labour force and those not in the labour force. The employed labour force is subdivided on the basis of the professional status, and the average working hours. A division by sex and age is available.

Due to a redesign of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) the planned update on the third quarter in November 2021 will be postponed to the first quarter of 2022. Because of the changes in the survey design and questionnaire the numbers on the whole of 2021 will then be revised. As a result, the numbers of 2021 will not be comparable to the previous years.

Data available from: 2003-2021.

Status of the figures:
The figures for 2021 in this table are final. However, due to changes in the survey design and the questionnaire, a revision of the 2021 figures will be implemented in the first quarter of 2022.

Changes as of November 15, 2022:
None, the table has been discontinued.

Changes as of November 16, 2021:
Due to a redesign of the Labor Force Survey (LFS), no new figures for the third quarter of 2021 will be published in 2021. The third quarter is therefore filled with dots.

When will new figures be released?
Not applicable. This table has been replaced, see paragraph 3 for a link to the new table.

Description topics

Labour force and not in the labour force
People who are part of the employed labour force, the unemployed labour force or who are not in the labour force.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Labour force
- who have paid work (employed labour force), or
- who don’t have paid work, recently looked for work and are directly available for it (unemployed labour force).

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Labour force
- who have paid work (employed labour force), or
- who don’t have paid work, recently looked for work and are directly available for it (unemployed labour force).

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Employed labour force
People who have paid work.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Employed labour force
People who have paid work.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Professional status
Classification of the employed labour force into:
-  permanent
-  flexible
-  without employees (solo self-employed)
-  with employees
-  contributing family worker

When a person has more than one job, the job in which most hours are worked, is used.
A person who makes arrangements in a collective agreement for labour purposes and who is being paid in return.

When a person has more than one job, the job in which most hours are worked, is used.
A person who makes arrangements in a collective agreement for labour purposes and who is being paid in return.

When a person has more than one job, the job in which most hours are worked, is used.
Permanent employee
An employee with an employment contract for an indefinite period and for a fixed number of hours.
When a person has more than one job, the job in which most hours are worked, is used.
Flexible employee
An employee with an employment contract for a limited period or a flexible number of hours. Enclosed here are:
-  Temporary employee, view on permanent
-  Temporary employee, >=1 year
-  Temporary employee, <1 year
-  On-call worker
-  Temporary agency worker
-  Permanent employee, flexible hours
-  Temporary employee, flexible hours

When a person has more than one job, the job in which most hours are worked, is used.
Self-employed person
A person who works for his/her own account and risk
-  in an own company or practice (self-employed entrepreneur), or
-  as an owner-manager, or
-  in the company or practice of a family member (contributing family worker), or
-  as another self-employed person (for example in an independent profession).

When a person has more than one job, the job in which most hours are worked, is used.
Self-employed person
A person who works for his/her own account and risk
-  in an own company or practice (self-employed entrepreneur), or
-  as an owner-manager, or
-  in the company or practice of a family member (contributing family worker), or
-  as another self-employed person (for example in an independent profession).

When a person has more than one job, the job in which most hours are worked, is used.
Self-employed without employees
A person who works for his/her own account and risk
-  in an own company or practice (self-employed entrepreneur), or
-  as an owner-manager, or
-  as another self-employed person (for example in an independent profession), and
-  who has no employees.

When a person has more than one job, the job in which most hours are worked, is used.
Self-employed with employees
A person who works for his/her own account and risk
-  in an own company or practice (self-employed entrepreneur), or
-  as an owner-manager, and
-  who has employees.
When a person has more than one job, the job in which most hours are worked, is used.
Contributing family worker
A person who works, not on the basis of a an explicit employment contract, in the company or practice of the partner or parents.

When a person has more than one job, the job in which most hours are worked, is used.
Professional status is unknown
Working hours
The number of hours someone works in a normal or average working week.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.

The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is less than 35 hours.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.
The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is less than 35 hours.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.

Less than 20 working hours a week
The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is less than 20 hours.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.
Less than 20 working hours a week
The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is less than 20 hours.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.
Less than 12 working hours a week
The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is less than 12 hours.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.
12 to 19 working hours a week
The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is 12 to 19 hours.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.

20 to 34 working hours a week
The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is is 20 to 34 hours.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.

20 to 34 working hours a week
The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is 20 to 34 hours.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.
20 to 27 working hours a week
The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is 20 to 27 hours.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.
28 to 34 working hours a week
The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is 28 to 34 hours.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.
The number of hours that a person works in a normal or average working week is 35 hours or more.

In the average working hours overtime and unpaid hours are not taken into account.
Unemployed labour force
People who don’t have paid work, recently looked for work and are directly available for it.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Unemployment rate
The unemployed labour force as a percentage of the (employed and unemployed) labour force.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old.
Not in the labour force
People who don’t have paid work, who haven’t recently looked for work recently or are not directly available for it.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Gross labour participation rate
The percentage of the (employed and unemployed) labour force in the population (labour force and not in the labour force).

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old.
Net labour participation rate
The percentage of the employed labour force in the population (labour force and not in the labour force).
This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old.