Key figures of the population forecasts 2014-2060

Key figures of the population forecasts 2014-2060

Forecast(-interval) Periods Total population (aantal) Demographic pressure Total pressure (%) Live births (number) Total fertility rate (number) Deaths (number) Period life expectancy At birth Men (year) Period life expectancy At birth Women (year) External migration Net migration (incl. net adm. corr.) (number)
Forecast 2060 18,057,326 89.3 . 1.75 . 87.02 89.85 .
Lower limit 95% forecast-interval 2060 15,562,876 77.5 . 1.22 . 81.75 84.58 .
Upper limit 95% forecast-interval 2060 20,903,124 100.0 . 2.28 . 92.30 95.13 .
Lower limit 67% forecast-interval 2060 16,726,865 83.4 . 1.49 . 84.42 87.25 .
Upper limit 67% forecast-interval 2060 19,355,200 94.6 . 2.01 . 89.63 92.46 .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains forecasts (including intervals) of the population of The Netherlands on 1 January by age groups (three age-groups) and population dynamics: live births, deaths and external migration. Furthermore, the table contains information about the total fertility rate, demographic pressure and (period) life expectancy at birth and at age 65 by sex.

Data available from: 2014-2060

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are calculated forecasts.

Changes as of 19 December 2017:
None, this table has been published once-only. See 3. for the successor of this table.

Changes as of 18 December 2014:
In this new table, the previous forecast is adjusted based on the most recent insights, the forecast period now runs from 2014 to 2060.

When will new figures be published?
New figures will appear December 2017.

Description topics

Total population
Demographic pressure
Ratio between number of people aged over 65 and younger than 20, and the number of 20 to 65 year-olds. This ratio is an indicator of the pressure of the non-active population on the labour force.
Total pressure
The sum of the number of people aged between 0 and 20 and people aged 65 and over, in relation to people aged 20 to 65.
Live births
Total fertility rate
The total fertility rate gives an indication of how many children women have on average. In order to calculate this figure, age-specific fertility rates observed in a given calendar year are used which apply to every childbearing age (ages between 15 and 50).
Period life expectancy
Period life expectancy (at a given age)
The average number of years a person would live, if he or she experienced the age-specific mortality rates for that time period throughout his or her life.
At birth
Period life expectancy at birth
The average number of years a person would live, if he or she experienced the age-specific mortality rates for that time period throughout his or her life.
External migration
Net migration (incl. net adm. corr.)
Immigration minus emigration (including net administrative corrections).