Business confidence; sector/branches 2008-2023

Business confidence; sector/branches 2008-2023

Sectors/Branches Periods Business confidence (%)
All enterprises (no finance or energy) 2023 2nd quarter 7.5
M-N Business services 2023 2nd quarter 9.4
B Mining and quarrying 2023 2nd quarter -2.9
C Manufacturing 2023 2nd quarter 3.0
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2023 2nd quarter -2.3
13-15 Man. of textile-, leatherproducts 2023 2nd quarter 3.0
16+23 Man of wooden and buildingmaterial 2023 2nd quarter -10.9
17-18 Manufacture of paper and printing 2023 2nd quarter -3.7
19-22 Refineries and chemistry 2023 2nd quarter -3.0
24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2023 2nd quarter 5.8
26-28 Manufact of electronics, machinery 2023 2nd quarter 15.3
29-30 Transport equipment 2023 2nd quarter 13.9
F Construction 2023 2nd quarter 16.0
G Wholesale and retail trade 2023 2nd quarter 10.1
45+47 Retail sale and car trade 2023 2nd quarter 6.6
45 Sale and repair of motor vehicles 2023 2nd quarter 4.0
46 Wholesale trade (no motor vehicles) 2023 2nd quarter 12.0
47 Retail trade (not in motor vehicles) 2023 2nd quarter 6.5
H Transportation and storage 2023 2nd quarter -3.4
49-96 Total services 2023 2nd quarter 7.1
I Accommodation and food serving 2023 2nd quarter 11.5
J Information and communication 2023 2nd quarter 13.4
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2023 2nd quarter -3.6
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Business confidence is a sentiment indicator for the Dutch private sector, which indicates the direction in which the Dutch economy (gross domestic product, GDP) is expected to develop. When assessing the results, it can be assumed that the more optimistic or pessimistic the entrepreneurs are, the more the value of business confidence will deviate positively or negatively from the zero line and the greater the expectation is that the development of GDP will increase or decrease in the coming months. Business confidence in the total Dutch private sector is a weighted average of the confidence indicators of the underlying sectors/industries, which together form a representative reflection of the Dutch business community from a economic vieuwpoint. In addition to the quarterly series of business confidence, confidence indicators are also available on a monthly basis for the manufacturing industry and some underlying industries. These are published in a separate table under the name Producer confidence; sentiment indicator of manufacturing industry, branches. The results for the months of January, April, July and October correspond with the indicators manufacturing industry of Business confidence in quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

Data available from: 4th quarter 2008 - 2nd quarter 2023.

Changes as of July 27, 2023:
This table has been discontinued. The reason for this is the renewed method for calculating the business confidence.

When will new figures be published?
Does not apply.
This table is followed by Business confidence; to sector/branches (active on August 15, 2023). See paragraph 3.

Statistics Netherlands is currently working on adjustments to the definition of the Business Confidence indicator. The aim is to improve the comparability between industries and between regional and national figures. The adjustments will come into effect when the results for the third quarter of 2023 are published. More information will follow at

Description topics

Business confidence
Business confidence is a sentiment indicator for the Dutch private sector, which indicates the direction in which the Dutch economy (gross domestic product, GDP) is expected to develop.