Tourism; key indicators, National Accounts 2010-2014

Tourism; key indicators, National Accounts 2010-2014

Periods Contribution tourism in current prices Tourism: value added at market prices (mln euro) Contribution tourism in current prices Tourism: value added at basic prices (mln euro) Contribution tourism in current prices Tourism: expenditure total NL economy (mln euro) Contribution tourism in current prices Recreational household expenditure (mln euro) Tourism (volume indices, 2010 =100) Tourism: value added at market prices (2010 = 100) Tourism (volume indices, 2010 =100) Tourism: value added at basic prices (2010 = 100) Tourism (volume indices, 2010 =100) Tourism: expenditure total NL economy (2010 = 100) Tourism (volume indices, 2010 =100) Recreational household expenditure (2010 = 100) Share tourism per key indicator Tourism: value added at market prices (%) Share tourism per key indicator Tourism: value added at basic prices (%) Share tourism per key indicator Recreational household expenditure (%) Employment Tourism: jobs (x 1 000) Employment Tourism: employed persons (x 1 000) Employment Tourism: labour volume (x 1 000) Share employment Tourism: jobs (%) Share employment Tourism: employed persons (%) Share employment Tourism: labour volume (%)
2010 20,300 17,300 59,542 53,322 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.2 3.0 18.9 552 466 338 5.6 5.3 4.8
2011 21,142 17,855 62,395 55,352 103.9 104.1 102.7 101.1 3.3 3.1 19.2 571 481 346 5.7 5.4 4.9
2012 22,192 18,690 64,662 56,608 105.7 106.2 103.5 100.4 3.4 3.2 19.5 577 487 348 5.8 5.5 4.9
2013** 22,987 19,155 65,548 56,786 106.8 106.3 103.8 99.4 3.5 3.3 19.4 591 498 357 6.0 5.7 5.1
2014* 24,381 20,336 68,264 58,685 109.7 109.1 107.5 101.8 3.7 3.4 19.8 606 510 366 6.2 5.8 5.2
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information about tourist key indicators. Tourism contributes to the Dutch economy (contribution to employment, gross domestic product and value added). Tourism is not an industry in itself, but covers a wide range of products and services. The figures are consistent with the conceptual framework of the National Accounts (NA) and can be compared with existing macroeconomic indicators such as gross domestic product, the total value added and the total number of jobs in the Netherlands. The tourism accounts offer an integrated macroeconomic overview of the importance of tourism to the economy.

Data available from: 2010-2014

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final till 2012. The figures for the years 2013 and 2014 have a provisional status. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of August 18, 2016:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is discontinued because a part of the figures will from now on only by published in base prices. This is conform the policy of National Accounts. This table is replaced by table Tourism; key indicators, National Accounts. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Contribution tourism in current prices
Figures are expressed in prices of the relevant reporting year, million euro.
Tourism: value added at market prices
The value added at market prices of the Netherlands is obtained by adding the difference between tourist related taxes and subsidies to the touristic gross value added.
The change in volume of 'touristic GDP' (value added at market prices) is a measure for growth in real terms of tourism activities.
Tourism: value added at basic prices
The touristic value added at basic prices in the Netherlands is the value added connected to the internal tourism expenditure.
Tourism: expenditure total NL economy
Tourism of visitors, both resident and non-resident, within the economic territory of the Netherlands (inbound and domestic).
A person is resident if it has a centre of economic interest in the economic territory of the Netherlands for more than one year.
A person is a non-resident if its centre of economic activity is not in the economic territory of the Netherlands.
Recreational household expenditure
Tourist expenditure by Dutch households with recreational motive plus the tourism consumer durables.
Tourism (volume indices, 2010 =100)
The volume is compared to the base year. Fixed prices, base year 2010.
Tourism: value added at market prices
The value added at market prices of the Netherlands is obtained by adding the difference between tourist related taxes and subsidies to the touristic gross value added.
The change in volume of 'touristic GDP' (value added at market prices) is a measure for growth in real terms of tourism activities.
Tourism: value added at basic prices
The touristic value added at basic prices in the Netherlands is the value added connected to the internal tourism expenditure.
Tourism: expenditure total NL economy
Tourism of visitors, both resident and non-resident, within the economic territory of the Netherlands (inbound and domestic).
A person is resident if it has a centre of economic interest in the economic territory of the Netherlands for more than one year.
A person is a non-resident if its centre of economic activity is not in the economic territory of the Netherlands.
Recreational household expenditure
Tourist expenditure by Dutch households with recreational motive plus the tourism consumer durables..
Share tourism per key indicator
The share of tourism in terms of GDP, value added and the recreational expenditure of households.
Tourism: value added at market prices
The share of tourism in total GDP of the Netherlands.
Tourism: value added at basic prices
The share of touristic value added in total value added of the Netherlands.
Recreational household expenditure
The share of recreational related consumption expenditure in the total consumption expenditure by households in the Netherlands.
The number of jobs, employment and labour volume related to tourism.
Tourism: jobs
The number of jobs related to tourism.
Tourism: employed persons
The number of employed persons related to tourism.
Tourism: labour volume
Labour years is a measure for the labour volume, which is calculated by converting all jobs (full time and part time) to full-time jobs, also known as full-time equivalents (FTE).
This indicates that two half-time jobs (0.5 FTE each) together account for a labour volume of one labour year.
Share employment
Share of tourism in total jobs, employment and labour volume.
Tourism: jobs
The share of tourism jobs in total employment in the Netherlands.
Tourism: employed persons
The share of tourism related employed persons in total employed persons in the Netherlands
Tourism: labour volume
The share of tourism of labour volume in total labour volume in the Netherlands.