Overdrafts on current accounts 2010-2017

Overdrafts on current accounts 2010-2017

Periods Total overdraft (mln euro)
2016 December 9,613
2017 January 9,453
2017 February 9,363
2017 March 9,302
2017 April 9,279
2017 May 8,930
2017 June 8,892
2017 July 8,974
2017 August 8,956
2017 September 8,871
2017 October 8,837
2017 November 8,789
2017 December 9,025
Source: © De Nederlandsche Bank
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents figures on overdrafts on current accounts. Figures from the Dutch Central Bank are used one-on-one by Statistics Netherlands.

Data available from June 2010 to December 2017.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite when published. Any subsequent changes are the result of the release of new or more recent data.

Changes as of 22 February 2018:
None, this table is discontinued.
The table is terminated as a result of a redistribution of tasks between the CBS and DNB.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Total overdraft
The total amount of outstanding debt at the end of the month on current accounts held by private individuals.