Ultimate control of enterprises Netherlands;jobs,wages,size class, '08-'11

Ultimate control of enterprises Netherlands;jobs,wages,size class, '08-'11

Locus of control (UCI) Size class: number of employees Periods Enterprises with employees (number) Jobs of employees Number of jobs (x 1 000) Jobs of employees Jobs by employee characteristics Sex Men (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by employee characteristics Sex Women (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by employee characteristics Age Younger than 50 (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by employee characteristics Age 50 years or older (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by employee characteristics Ethnic Origin Native Dutch background (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by employee characteristics Ethnic Origin Foreign background (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by employee characteristics Job status New entrants (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by employee characteristics Job status Stayers (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by employee characteristics Job status Switchers (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by wage level employee High-paid (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by wage level employee Medium-paid (%) Jobs of employees Jobs by wage level employee Low-paid (%) Taxable annual wage per job (1 000 euro)
Domestically controlled Total employees 2008 481,205 6,960 53 47 76 24 81 19 10 74 16 18 50 32 40
Domestically controlled Total employees 2009 455,615 6,847 52 48 75 25 81 19 9 77 14 17 51 33 40
Domestically controlled Total employees 2010 419,360 6,849 51 49 74 26 81 19 10 80 10 17 50 33 41
Domestically controlled Total employees 2011 449,785 6,910 51 49 73 27 82 18 10 79 11 17 50 33 42
Domestically controlled 0 to 50 employees 2008 468,955 2,799 59 41 79 21 82 18 13 69 18 16 46 38 38
Domestically controlled 0 to 50 employees 2009 441,820 2,692 58 42 79 21 82 18 11 74 15 15 47 39 39
Domestically controlled 0 to 50 employees 2010 406,570 2,585 58 42 78 22 83 17 11 77 12 15 47 39 39
Domestically controlled 0 to 50 employees 2011 436,965 2,649 58 42 77 23 83 17 13 74 13 15 46 39 40
Domestically controlled 50 to 250 employees 2008 9,675 1,198 58 42 75 25 80 20 10 75 16 18 55 27 40
Domestically controlled 50 to 250 employees 2009 11,080 1,272 57 43 75 25 80 20 8 78 14 17 55 28 40
Domestically controlled 50 to 250 employees 2010 10,225 1,344 57 43 75 25 81 19 9 80 11 17 55 28 41
Domestically controlled 50 to 250 employees 2011 10,275 1,351 57 43 74 26 81 19 9 79 11 17 55 28 42
Domestically controlled 250 and more employees 2008 2,575 2,964 45 55 73 27 81 19 8 79 13 20 52 27 41
Domestically controlled 250 and more employees 2009 2,715 2,884 43 57 72 28 81 19 7 79 14 19 52 29 42
Domestically controlled 250 and more employees 2010 2,565 2,920 42 58 71 29 80 20 8 83 9 19 52 29 43
Domestically controlled 250 and more employees 2011 2,545 2,909 42 58 69 31 81 19 8 83 9 18 52 29 43
Foreign controlled Total employees 2008 7,710 950 65 35 79 21 73 27 7 79 14 34 47 19 50
Foreign controlled Total employees 2009 8,110 935 66 34 78 22 74 26 6 82 12 33 49 19 50
Foreign controlled Total employees 2010 8,435 931 66 34 77 23 73 27 7 83 10 31 50 19 51
Foreign controlled Total employees 2011 10,390 949 67 33 76 24 73 27 7 83 10 33 49 17 53
Foreign controlled 0 to 50 employees 2008 5,355 90 70 30 80 20 74 26 7 75 17 41 49 10 55
Foreign controlled 0 to 50 employees 2009 5,540 88 69 31 79 21 74 26 6 79 15 40 48 11 56
Foreign controlled 0 to 50 employees 2010 5,930 98 71 29 79 21 72 28 8 80 12 41 49 10 59
Foreign controlled 0 to 50 employees 2011 7,815 111 70 30 79 21 70 30 9 77 13 41 48 11 60
Foreign controlled 50 to 250 employees 2008 1,725 204 72 28 80 20 72 28 6 79 14 36 54 9 51
Foreign controlled 50 to 250 employees 2009 1,925 216 71 29 78 22 74 26 5 84 11 35 54 11 51
Foreign controlled 50 to 250 employees 2010 1,855 232 71 29 78 22 73 27 7 84 10 34 54 12 52
Foreign controlled 50 to 250 employees 2011 1,955 252 72 28 77 23 72 28 7 83 10 36 53 11 54
Foreign controlled 250 and more employees 2008 630 657 63 37 78 22 74 26 8 79 13 32 45 23 49
Foreign controlled 250 and more employees 2009 645 631 64 36 77 23 74 26 6 82 12 30 47 22 49
Foreign controlled 250 and more employees 2010 650 600 64 36 76 24 73 27 7 83 9 29 49 23 49
Foreign controlled 250 and more employees 2011 620 586 64 36 75 25 74 26 7 84 9 31 48 21 51
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information about jobs and wages of employees working at enterprises in the Netherlands, broken down by locus of control of these enterprises. A distinction is made between domestically and foreign controlled enterprises. The figures refer only to enterprises with employees. For these enterprises, the total number of jobs is given as well as the composition of these jobs by employee characteristics (job status, gender, age, country of origin, and wage levels). The average taxable annual salary per job is also given.

Data available 2008-2011.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite.

Changes as of January 10th 2018:
None, this table was stopped.

When will new figures be published?
This table is stopped.

Description topics

Enterprises with employees
The actual transactor in the production process characterised by independence in decisions about the process and by providing products to others.
This table contains only enterprises with employees. An employee is a person on the payroll of a company or organisation. Also included are (managing-) directors, major shareholders and their family members. Owners working for the company and family members not on the payroll are excluded.
Reference date: end of the year.
Jobs of employees
A position occupied by an employed person. An employed person may have more than one job at a time. In that case the person has a main job and a secondary job. The two jobs are counted separately.
This table contains only jobs of employees. An employee is a person on the payroll of a company or organisation. Also included are (managing-) directors, major shareholders and their family members. Owners working for the company and family members not on the payroll are excluded.
Number of jobs
Total number of jobs of employees at the end of the year.
Jobs by employee characteristics
Number of jobs of male employees as a percentage of the total number of jobs of employees. Reference date: end of the year.
Number of jobs of female employees as a percentage of the total number of jobs of employees. Reference date: end of the year.
Younger than 50
Number of jobs of employees aged under 50 as a percentage of the total number of jobs of employees. Reference date: end of the year.
50 years or older
Number of jobs of employees aged over 50 as a percentage of the total number of jobs of employees. Reference date: end of the year.
Ethnic Origin
Native Dutch background
A person whose parents were both born in the Netherlands.
This is the number of jobs of employees with a native Dutch background as a percentage of the total number of jobs of employees. Reference date: end of the year.

Foreign background
A person of whom at least one parent was born abroad.
This is the number of jobs of employees with a foreign background as a percentage of the total number of jobs of employees. Reference date: end of the year.

Job status
The job status indicates whether someone has changed jobs in the past year.
New entrants
Employees who did not have a job as employee one year previously. This potentially includes individuals who were self-employed.
This is the number of jobs of new entrants as a percentage of the total number of jobs of employees. Reference date: end of the year.

Employees working in the same job as one year previously.
If an employee currently has multiple jobs of which at least one corresponds to a job in the previous year, he will be classified as ‘stayer’ in all his jobs, even if he started a new job during the year of reference.
This is the number of jobs of stayers as a percentage of the total number of jobs of employees. Reference date: end of the year.
Employees working in a different job than one year previously.
If an employee currently has multiple jobs of which at least one corresponds to a job in the previous year, he will be classified as ‘stayer’ in all his jobs, even if he started a new job during the year of reference.
This is the number of jobs of switchers as a percentage of the total number of jobs of employees. Reference date: end of the year.
Jobs by wage level employee
All employees at enterprises in the Netherlands are ranked in ascending order on the basis of their total taxable annual wage, and then divided into three groups.
The first group (low-paid) comprises employees with the bottom-30% wages.
The second group (medium-paid) comprises employees with wage levels between the limits of low- and high-paid.
The third group (high-paid) comprises employees with the top-20% wages.
Taxable annual wage:
The wage subject to taxes for all jobs of an individual combined. The numbers presented here are neither corrected for part-time work, nor for the number of days worked during the year of reference. As a results, someone earning a relatively high hourly wage, but who works only few weekly hours, may therefore be classified as being low-paid.
This is the number of jobs of low, medium or high-paid employees as a percentage of the total number of jobs of employees. Reference date: end of the year.
Taxable annual wage per job
Taxable annual wage:
The wage subject to taxes.
The taxable annual wage per job is corrected for the part-time factor of that job, and for the number of days worked in that particular job during the year of reference. The presented numbers therefore reflect the wages of full-time jobs, that existed throughout the whole year of reference.