Dwellings and non-residential stock; changes, utility function, regions

Dwellings and non-residential stock; changes, utility function, regions

Purpose Regions Periods Initial stock (number) New construction (number) Other additions (number) Demolition (number) Other withdrawals (number) Corrections (number) Stock balance (number) Final stock (number)
Housing and non-residential function The Netherlands 2022 June 9,250,331 7,091 2,709 1,293 1,426 177 7,258 9,257,589
Housing function The Netherlands 2022 June 8,077,688 6,049 1,963 929 757 126 6,452 8,084,140
Non-residential function: recreation The Netherlands 2022 June 133,210 208 205 29 19 72 437 133,652
Non-residential function: shop The Netherlands 2022 June 127,613 42 103 19 192 2 -64 127,533
Non-residential function: meetings The Netherlands 2022 June 62,884 18 49 27 46 3 -3 62,897
Non-residential function: industry The Netherlands 2022 June 211,918 518 116 71 83 -25 455 212,347
Non-residential function: health care The Netherlands 2022 June 22,868 10 40 16 56 3 -19 22,862
Non-residential function: education The Netherlands 2022 June 13,474 7 5 11 8 1 -6 13,462
Non-residential function: sports The Netherlands 2022 June 9,737 0 6 9 1 0 -4 9,735
Non-residential function: office The Netherlands 2022 June 94,802 27 89 60 159 23 -80 94,689
Non-residential function: detention The Netherlands 2022 June 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 58
Non-residential function: other The Netherlands 2022 June 441,955 113 90 110 67 -31 -5 441,942
Non-residential with more functions The Netherlands 2022 June 54,124 99 43 12 38 3 95 54,272
Non-residential function: total The Netherlands 2022 June 1,172,643 1,042 746 364 669 51 806 1,173,449
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains data on stocks of dwellings and non-residential buildings and the changes therein, such as new construction and demolition. The data have been obtained from the Key Registration Addresses and Buildings (BAG).
Non-residential buildings have been broken down according to their different utilisation functions.
The data are further subdivided into parts of the country, provinces, COROP areas and municipalities.

From 2021 onward, Statistics Netherlands has completely switched to using BAG 2.0. As a result of this transition, the new statuses 'renovation' and 'wrongly registered' for buildings and stay objects become available in the BAG. Stay objects with the new status 'renovation' are included in the stock. This expansion has not led to a trend break in the stock and only has the consequence that the statuses in which a stay object is located can be more precisely differentiated.

Data available from: January 2012.

Status of the figures:
The figures from 2012 to 2023 are final.
The figures from January to March 2024, and the first quarter of 2024, are revised provisional.
The figures as of April 2024 are provisional.

Changed as of: 30 September 2024.
Provisional figures of August 2024 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
The new figures will be published approximately one month after the reporting month.
The definitive 2024 figures will be published in May 2025.

Description topics

Initial stock
The initial number at the beginning of the period.

In some cases, a change has been implemented in the BAG whereby the address data is only valid after the validity of the change, or the address data has been withdrawn after the reference date.
This change is non-adressable and is not included in the publication. The final stock differs from the initial stock plus the balance of the change, or the initial stock differs from the final stock of the previous month.
New construction
Added to the stock through new construction.
Other additions
For reasons other than new construction added to the stock, for example splitting, renovation or change of the utility function.
Withdrawn from the stock through demolition.
Other withdrawals
For reasons other than demolition withdrawn from the stock, such as merging or changing the utility function.
Balance of negative and positive (administrative) corrections.

Corrections include:
- A change which is related to a previously published period.
- A change which results in an illogical status transition of premises; for example from status 'in use' to 'formed'.
- A change of (residential) premises which has already been added and / or withdrawn from the stock in previous period(s).
Stock balance
The number added to the stock minus the number withdrawn from the stock, plus corrections.
Final stock
Number in stock at the end of the period.

In some cases, a change has been implemented in the BAG whereby the address data is only valid after the validity of the change, or the address data has been withdrawn after the reference date.

This change is non-addressable and is not included in the publication. The final stock differs from the initial stock plus the balance of the change, or the initial stock differs from the final stock of the previous month.

In the case of non-residential utility functions, the final stock may deviate from the sum of the initial stock and the change in the balance, because change in the utility function (e.g. from office function to shop function) is not recorded as a transaction, but becomes visible in the final stock.